Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

#ACTUALNEWS: Geoff Duncan, the former Republican Lt. Governor of Georgia, released the following statement after Donald Trump’s especially incoherent speech in Atlanta, GA:

“If you were able to see through Donald Trump’s incoherence and vindictiveness tonight, you saw a Donald Trump who does not care about uniting this country or speaking to the voters who will decide this election. Millions of Americans are fed up with his grievance-filled campaign focused only on himself. Tonight we heard a particularly unhinged, angry version of the same Donald Trump that Georgia rejected in 2020.

“Elections are binary choices. As a lifelong conservative Republican, it was not an easy decision for me to endorse Vice President Harris, but I know that she fights for all Americans, right, left, or center, and will stand up for the Constitution.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is a dude in black body paint wow
