Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
This fat fuck here.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
This is what confuses me. If Harris outright wins. How can SC overturn the results and give it to Trump?

The GOP has been working hard to get MAGA people on Boards of Elections. The idea is that they will claim that something shady happened and try to not certify the elections. Then they're hoping it will go to court and ultimately the Supreme Court and his picks will say Trump is the winner.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Right and why they don’t protest at Vance or Trump rallies? Hate these one issue motherfuckers.
Especially since Trump and His faggot pretend to worship Israel , even called Kamala anti semetic. But these stupid cunts show up Making a fucking scene. Like Kamala is running for Netanyahu’s job. Fuck all you bitch niggas that cry all the time for Palestine too. Fucking sand cac worshipping coons