Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Lying? In what way?

I'm not sure but it sounds good.

Oh I know.......you allowed me to think you were from Florida. You should of sensed that and let me know it wasn't the case BEFORE I made that post.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s not. These folks act like these problems wasn’t already here before she was in office.
True, most of the time, these folks are citizens but ignorant ass kneegrows think they are illegals following along with the thinking of the same Crackas that would gladly lynch their asses if they could get away with it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s not. These folks act like these problems wasn’t already here before she was in office.
Yes, 12 million illegals in 3.5 years is sleepy Joe and Kamalaho's (the border czar) fault. Did you see these video's in NYC when Trump was president?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The GOP has made it harder for black people to vote by placing ridiculous restrictions on drop off ballots both in terms of locations and available hours.

"The new law required election staffers to monitor drop-off locations during early voting hours, which eliminated some curbside boxes and ended the possibility of stopping by after regular working hours or on most weekends."

"But federal courts upheld the law despite one judge finding it restricted the way Black voters cast ballots with “surgical precision.”"

Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker ruled after a two-week trial in February 2022 that restrictions in the law regulating drop boxes, requiring voters to request mail-in ballots more often and other requirements hurt Black voters and violated the Constitution.

Walker found it was harder for Black voters to get to a polling station because they are overrepresented in the service sector, with typically less flexible hours and less access to transportation.

"Across counties and across elections, Black voters use drop boxes more than White voters," Walker wrote. “More importantly, Black voters tend to use drop boxes in just the way that (the law) targets.”

But the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned his decision, ruling there wasn’t enough difference between how Black and white voters cast ballots to justify blocking the law.

“The finding that black voters are more likely to use drop boxes outside of early voting hours rests on ... flimsy evidence,” Chief Judge William Pryor wrote.

Early voting starts on October 26th in Florida. You can even request an absentee ballot and mail the shit in. If you can't figure out how to cast a vote you're probably too fucking dumb to vote anyway. Black people were killed fighting for the right to vote and in 2024 you just can't figure out how to get it done?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Don’t stop…


Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Lansing — Independent presidential candidate Cornel West has been disqualified from the state's ballot because of problems with the way a required document his campaign submitted was notarized, the Michigan Bureau of Elections announced Friday.

West, a longtime liberal activist, academic and author, had turned in petitions in hopes of appearing on the ballot in Michigan as an alternative to the major party candidates. But West's affidavit of identity "was not notarized in compliance with the laws of the state where it was notarized," which was Colorado, according to a Friday letter to West from Jonathan Brater, Michigan's elections director.

Notaries traditionally verify documents and certify that the person signing them was in their presence as the signature was executed.

However, according to Brater's letter, Dana L. Manning, the notary for West's affidavit, "failed to identify what notarial act was being performed." Plus, Manning's notary stamp was on a separate page from the affidavit and Manning's signature to certify the document, according to the letter.

The document also featured "unfilled blanks," and the notary certificate failed to include Manning's title of office, Brater wrote.

"After reviewing your affidavit of identity and contacting the Colorado Secretary of State for guidance, weconcluded that the notarization attempt by Dana L. Manning does not conform with Colorado law in atleast four respects," Brater's letter explained.

Because of the "improper notarization," the Michigan Bureau of Elections was "required by law to disqualify you," Brater added in his message to West.

West's campaign is "committed to fighting these legal maneuvers in court and ensuring that the electorate has the opportunity to hear from a truly progressive alternative that champions the human rights of the poor and working class," said Edwin DeJesus, a campaign spokesman.

"We are confident that these accusations will be seen for what they are — frivolous and unfounded attempts to stifle opposition and debate," DeJesus said.

A challenge to West's affidavit had been submitted on July 23 by Mark Brewer, a longtime election lawyer and former chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, according to Brater's letter.

The Bureau of Elections operates within Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office.