Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


BGOL Legend

Reminds me of this bullshit hurricane map he pulled out of his ass. This idiot thinks that the American people are just stupid. Only his stupid followers will buy that bullshit. :smh:



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
This is why people don’t vote. They gonna give back what we had and continue down the path of neoliberalism? She’s not going to increase the minimum wage and she’s going to do nothing while more Palestinians are killed.

The way Nancy is talking I would be surprised if Jefferies is the speaker of the house. What are his thoughts on DC statehood?

You like to be contrary but you're not stupid. It's not enough to elect a dem president. She needs a congress to pass her agenda and send bills to her desk to sign. If the public doesn't understand that, they are part of the problem. Dems need to hammer that point home.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Did he buy her the chips or did his religion made him just hand it to her.
You like to be contrary but you're not stupid. It's not enough to elect a dem president. She needs a congress to pass her agenda and send bills to her desk to sign. If the public doesn't understand that, they are part of the problem. Dems need to hammer that point home.
I saw an article out of Montana that said Tester will lose if the smart folks of Montana realize sending him back will lead to the Democrats holding unto the senate. I’m an optimistic fella: I think the Dems will control the house and retain the senate.

Where are the projected legislative calendars for a mandated Kamala?

What’s with the army dismissing 3 guys over the month?


Transnational Member

It looks like my ideas are being used by a political candidate. I don't want no association at all with any of them. I feel like my song is being played at a Trump rally.

I want people to know I am not cosigning any of them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They’ve really grown on me.

So tired of the vitriol and other crap with the other group.

Seemingly always negative! The worst this, mock that, I’m better than them, This group is the worst, on and on and on...

Posion man…to the mind, heart, soul, and this country! Hell the rest of the world considering the US standing globally...

I know they’re all politicians and that’s part of the game.

But atleast these ones actually sound like they want to bring positivity, hope, and connecteness to us all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
