Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude wants to make a point about 2020 election at a democratic event? stupid is as stupid does.

Like I said before don’t let the degrees and suits fool you.

Jaimie can turn nigga style quick. He was the kid street dudes said yeah you can’t touch him, he is going to be something.

Orangeburg, SC and Orangeburg Wilkerson High school are blackey black. I don’t even know if there are any white people in Orangeburg


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh not the "tangibles" brigade. The ADIS/FBA/ don't vote crowd will keep saying tangibles while telling Black people to not vote cause that is what their Republican backers want them to say.
Yup and will get mad at the government when their mother with diabetes has to get her foot cut off and can’t afford the medical costs and will have to sell their home.

Well bitch you should have voted for the party that wants to save Medicare and not the party that wants privatize it and will tell your mother we ain’t paying for that shit. You should have took better care of your health.

I despise them motherfuckers