Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That hoe dumb... These muhfuckas really don't read or even care to research for answers... If so, that bitch would've easily came across this


Which reminded me of a recent interview on the Daily Show that focused on Maternal Healthcare


Rising Star
Ummmmmm......... I think I know why.

Hold the fuck up!That's Rachel?! Dayum!


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

He don't even know. Sounding like he super uninformed.

These people are so uninformed. Trump is a criminal and a terrible businessman. Ever since he blew up his father’s inheritance he’s been borrowing money from Paul to pay Peter and vice versa for the last 35 to 40 years. And no, his administration was not successful, he rode Obama economy cocktails the first two years until Trump did that stupid tax cut. And the few people out there who was giving him credit for the stimulus checks you need to give that credit to the Democrats in Congress because if it wasn’t for them, you would not have gotten nothing. That is what you call Being informed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That hoe dumb... These muhfuckas really don't read or even care to research for answers... If so, that bitch would've easily came across this


Which reminded me of a recent interview on the Daily Show that focused on Maternal Healthcare

Laureen GOAT

18 pieces of legislation enacted into law!

No knock to Cori bush, but there was a BGOL member saying she couldn’t compete with her, Bitch please
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Those people aren’t uninformed. They’re just annoying as fuck and attention seeking. Yes! You may not know every single policy and the specifics of every candidate. But at this point and very much in the beginning everyone has a general idea of what the candidates stands for.

Especially for those two candidates they’re so different. What kinda person is that different that they’re literally on both sides of that extreme?

So to them and everyone like them fuck way the hell off.

These people are so uninformed. Trump is a criminal and a terrible businessman. Ever since he blew up his father’s inheritance he’s been borrowing money from Paul to pay Peter and vice versa for the last 35 to 40 years. And no, his administration was not successful, he rode Obama economy cocktails the first two years until Trump did that stupid tax cut. And the few people out there who was giving him credit for the stimulus checks you need to give that credit to the Democrats in Congress because if it wasn’t for them, you would not have gotten nothing. That is what you call Being informed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This was good, but like I said earlier someone needs to be going to his shop like every 6 months to share with the people what is getting done.

It’s like in football, every team has scouts across the country to look for talent and visit schools.

Good idea man..really good.

But something the guy said is true and really resonates.

During this time of the year someone comes and talks and promises. Once they get elected you never see them again until the next election!!


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Those people aren’t uninformed. They’re just annoying as fuck and attention seeking. Yes! You may not know every single policy and the specifics of every candidate. But at this point and very much in the beginning everyone has a general idea of what the candidates stands for.

Especially for those two candidates they’re so different. What kinda person is that different that they’re literally on both sides of that extreme?

So to them and everyone like them fuck way the hell off.
I’m going to agree with you a little bit, they know exactly what’s going on. Their hidden racism is preventing them from seeing the real deal.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Those people aren’t uninformed. They’re just annoying as fuck and attention seeking. Yes! You may not know every single policy and the specifics of every candidate. But at this point and very much in the beginning everyone has a general idea of what the candidates stands for.

Especially for those two candidates they’re so different. What kinda person is that different that they’re literally on both sides of that extreme?

So to them and everyone like them fuck way the hell off.

Humans are very interesting. I think being a contrarian or rebellious is an innate character for some people, especially when you consider egos. And then you have those folks that are just dense.

Every election cycle we have to hear about people’s political opinions. It can become nonsensical at times because so many folks are just going with what they like without rhyme or reason.

I going to vote Dem regardless, but I’ll never 100% agree with how government goes about things.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Humans are very interesting. I think being a contrarian or rebellious is an innate character for some people, especially when you consider egos. And then you have those folks that are just dense.

Every election cycle we have to hear about people’s political opinions. It can become nonsensical at times because so many folks are just going with what they like without rhyme or reason.

I going to vote Dem regardless, but I’ll never 100% agree with how government goes about things.
I agree with you, but you still need a government as long as you still have these races ass white people around. Trump tried to circumvent this bullshit in the end up, biting him in the ass towards the end of his administration. Can government do things a lot better yes they can but at the same time they need to be an overseer of some of these stupid ass red states.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Humans are very interesting. I think being a contrarian or rebellious is an innate character for some people, especially when you consider egos. And then you have those folks that are just dense.

Every election cycle we have to hear about people’s political opinions. It can become nonsensical at times because so many folks are just going with what they like without rhyme or reason.

I going to vote Dem regardless, but I’ll never 100% agree with how government goes about things.
I agree and just to let people know, every government agency has an Office of Inspector General to detect waste for each agency.

For instance, the FBI published all the waste within its agency the other day which was crazy.

So there is some checks and balances within these agencies, but more can always be done. That’s why there are so many people with Black Belts within the government (Lean Six Sigma).


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I agree with you, but you still need a government as long as you still have these races ass white people around. Trump tried to circumvent this bullshit in the end up, biting him in the ass towards the end of his administration. Can government do things a lot better yes they can but at the same time they need to be an overseer of some of these stupid ass red states.

I get it. I’ll just never agree with them 100%. They will do things that frustrate and turn me off and remind me that I really don’t have a say in certain things. I just have to deal with what I don’t like.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with you, but you still need a government as long as you still have these races ass white people around. Trump tried to circumvent this bullshit in the end up, biting him in the ass towards the end of his administration. Can government do things a lot better yes they can but at the same time they need to be an overseer of some of these stupid ass red states.
100% agree because it was the federal government that stepped in for the Breonna Taylor case and so many others.

We wouldn’t have Medicare, the largest provider of insurance, if it wasn’t for the government. So they definitely have their role.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I agree and just to let people know, every government agency has an Office of Inspector General to detect waste for each agency.

For instance, the FBI published all the waste within its agency the other day which was crazy.

So there is some checks and balances within these agencies, but more can always be done. That’s why there are so many people with Black Belts within the government (Lean Six Sigma).

Transparency is excellent. But unfortunately, this isn’t something that the public will just know how to obtain.

That’s why the media is so powerful in how they report information. Some folks are better informed in politics than others. I watch and read this thread because I consider most people who post here better informed than me. I’ll do my own critical thinking and decipher the information, but I trust much of the content here.

But I know I’m not actually reading and looking for what the government is or isn’t doing. It’s too deep and time consuming. Lol


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
100% agree because it was the federal government that stepped in for the Breonna Taylor case and so many others.

We wouldn’t have Medicare, the largest provider of insurance, if it wasn’t for the government. So they definitely have their role.
You hit the nail on the head, sir. This is why it’s important to have good people in the government, especially the federal government. If we didn’t have a federal government white people with have been trying to bring back Jim Crow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Transparency is excellent. But unfortunately, this isn’t something that the public will just know how to obtain.

That’s why the media is so powerful in how they report information. Some folks are better informed in politics than others. I watch and read this thread because I consider most people who post here better informed than me. I’ll do my own critical thinking and decipher the information, but I trust much of the content here.

But I know I’m not actually reading and looking for what the government is or isn’t doing. It’s too deep and time consuming. Lol
Naw me neither. I just discovered what the OIG does and that each agency has one talking to a friend that works for the FEDS. I didn’t know about that shit until like 2 years ago but I just find it interesting.

I’m the same way bro. Politics is not an area I’m strong in so I defer to others.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
so emotional.....

I get it. I’ll just never agree with them 100%. They will do things that frustrate and turn me off and remind me that I really don’t have a say in certain things. I just have to deal with what I don’t like.

100% agree because it was the federal government that stepped in for the Breonna Taylor case and so many others.

We wouldn’t have Medicare, the largest provider of insurance, if it wasn’t for the government. So they definitely have their role.

You hit the nail on the head, sir. This is why it’s important to have good people in the government, especially the federal government. If we didn’t have a federal government white people with have been trying to bring back Jim Crow.
Agree!! The issue is money!! Need to get money out of politics! And need to set terms on congress; just like it is for the president! These people protect corporation interests instead of protecting people of America! That needs to change…

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Notice the BGOL cac And coon MAGATS are constantly negative , sarcastically angry and doom and gloom just like Trump? They are always crying about how everything is hopelesss and miserable. What a sorry sack of filthy shit these faggots are. The better things get for Kamala the angrier they get .

Thats how you know their lives suck and they’re living in poverty looking to be saved . Captain save a ho needing fuck boys