Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
Platinum Member

He ready to throw hands... and I do not blame him. At all.




Flawless One
BGOL Investor
She deserved that spanking she got in the primary. She really thought her Black outreach was paying Black blue checks on Twitter to endorse her instead of actually working with Black politicians.

Fuck her.
So which of her policies did you disagree with?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He basically is admitting that he is and was what we knew he was all along, but he's disappointed that his candidacy was pulling more from orange man than from the other side.
Guess he thought the Kanye bid to do the same a few years back was just poorly executed and he could do better :lol:.


RFK might be dropping out or withdrawing from key states to give Frump the advantage.
He's live now.

The demo-rats completely screwed him over.
