Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Words about the DNC from Dan Rather:

“It is no secret that I have seen a few things, been around not just the block but the whole damn city. I can tell you all about national political conventions. I’ve covered 32 of them, going back to 1960. Here’s my takeaway from Chicago 2024: It wasn’t just well done, it was a spectacularly produced event. Frankly, I can’t recall a convention that went off this smoothly or looked this good.
In big games, you always hope your best players will be in top form. In Chicago, all the big Democrats showed up, ready to play. From the old-school Dems (the Obamas and the Clintons) to the new kids on the block (Governor Walz and the party’s bench of young, rising stars), the speeches were spot on. That was especially true for the newly minted nominee. Vice President Kamala Harris’s address was one of the more impressive acceptance speeches I have heard. Most nominees in the modern era have months or longer to prepare for the biggest night of their political lives. Harris pulled it off with 30 days notice.
For all of the stagecraft wizardry, her speech needed to be everything all at once, a high-wire act with no net. What she said and how she said it could mean the difference between winning and losing.” - Dan Rather


Rising Star
Palestinian worshipping faggits and coons. God I hate these people. They don’t go this hard for anything Black. But some sand honkies get bombed in a war and this is their main fight in life? Like this the place on earth dealing with shit. Fuck these idiots

Thousands of innocent kids have been killed with the support of the US government.

And the only outrage you have is against the people protesting it. :smh:

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He can just look at they are doing now as an indicator:

$2B to black farmers
PAVE Action Plan
Efforts the administration is doing to curb black women maternal mortality
The support to black businesses through the American Rescue Plan of 2021
The $16B to HBCUs through the American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Act, Inflation Reduction Act and 2022 & 2023 Budgets
Broadband to rural black communities through the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act of 2021
Child tax credit
Student Loan forgiveness
$35 cap on insulin through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

That's just off the top of my head. I think a lot of these dudes just want to be heard and like to play contrarian for some clout.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just to clear up any confusion that area in Palm Beach is Republican Palm Beach itself is Democrat

As you know @easy_b it’s not really south Florida including parts of Palm beach. It’s the other central and northern parts that keeps Florida a red state.

That’s going to be tough and Florida is kinda Trumps home state.

I pray it turns blue. I just don’t see it man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He can just look at they are doing now as an indicator:

$2B to black farmers
PAVE Action Plan
Efforts the administration is doing to curb black women maternal mortality
The support to black businesses through the American Rescue Plan of 2021
The $16B to HBCUs through the American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Act, Inflation Reduction Act and 2022 & 2023 Budgets
Broadband to rural black communities through the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act of 2021
Child tax credit
Student Loan forgiveness
$35 cap on insulin through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

That's just off the top of my head. I think a lot of these dudes just want to be heard and like to play contrarian for some clout.

Clicks for views and pay checks. Sad