Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck Pearl and Fuck Tenn.

She doesn't not want to kick you off your plan through your employer. And truth be told, by all data metrics MEDICARE is the BEST HEALTH PLAN reserved for our elders and people on disability.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Yo, I can’t even begin to tell you how true and sad this is, unfortunately!

For my fellow professionals you know exactly what I talking about and can’t think of a few people within your sphere that fits what’s she’s talking about.

The professional, educated “Negro” that’s too good for where they came from and are sadly mistaken thinking their accepted in their employers world!!!

Sooner or later that wake up call comes…


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Her point could have been made is 30 seconds, but she drifted into talking in a circle. I get agent vibes from her.

I normally listen to about 80% of what I post, but I didn't listen initially. I see what she is trying to say, but I have to 100% disagree....I think you right about the agent part...

Yes, you probably do have some professionals that take on the house nigga role, but in my experiences living on this planet, I've seen more brothers and sisters with those degrees do the most work in the communities. Now, I;ve seen folks that have created various advocacy non profit groups that have a high school diploma, but IMO the educated black folks, esp.. the ones that went to a HBCU are in these streets giving their time, energy, money, and resources....

My alma mater's slogan is "Enter to Learn, Depart to SERVE"

When I was a member of the 100 Black Men in the DC area for over 10 years, I can't tell you the number of hours we were putting in for our mentees centered around health, financial literacy, giving scholarships, doing food drives, and etc.....Donating clothes to those that might need a suit or a jacket for the winter time......having a mother call the president because her son ran away or said he was going to do something to himself and getting a call at work to convene some brothers who can be hands on deck to locate the kid and try to talk to him.....Working with our mentees every other Saturday for 3 - 4 hours at a time for about 9 months out of the year.
Or doing a mentor sessions at a school in NE DC where kids tell you they didn't have any food and wanted to take some of the food we provided home to feed their brothers and sisters....I can go on and on, but I am sorry I had to vent a little, but I get tired of all this division talk amongst black folks and yes it's ok to agree to disagree, but the common denominator among us all is the melanin in our skin...

Yes Coons should go to hell, but not all degreed individuals are COONS or don't believe in the uplifting of our communities....



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor

Yeah this is a load of bullshit. What she's doing is the same as when white people say they want athletes to be humble and not brag.

There's a contingent of Black people that get upset when other Black people make it and say that they made it. They don't want you to have pride in things that make you successful. It's why right now on social media there is the narrative that people that attended HBCU are classist. They don't want you to have success and take pride in that success cause it highlights that they may not be as successful and that makes them unhappy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah this is a load of bullshit. What she's doing is the same as when white people say they want athletes to be humble and not brag.

There's a contingent of Black people that get upset when other Black people make it and say that they made it. They don't want you to have pride in things that make you successful. It's why right now on social media there is the narrative that people that attended HBCU are classist. They don't want you to have success and take pride in that success cause it highlights that they may not be as successful and that makes them unhappy.
100% and I’ll take the L on that one because I should have listened to what she said because its BS.

You are also correct about how some people think that folks that went to college or have degrees are considered Elite. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.

With that thinking you are essentially saying that the likes of Kwame Ture, Marion Barry, MLK, Dick Gregory, Thurgood Marshall, George Washington Carver, Dr Francis Cres Wesing were all Elitist.

I hate dumb negroes but I always have to remind myself that social media is a fake world.