Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
getting strong GED vibes from her writing. lol

The GED is strong with her. Ha, she’s a GEDi.


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
The fact that someone is able to be elected to that office with a GED is concerning.

Yeah. These last eight years exposed how backwards our political system is.

You don’t have to be qualified or experienced to hold a political position.

Few companies in America will not allow inexperience to operate or make decisions that affects how the company is ran.

But not our political system. Mongoose shit can run for office as long as it has a political opinion that people can agree with.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He figures he can't be cooked mid-sentence. Therefore lessening the blows.

He's wrong. She'll just cook him after his statements and he'll be unable to chime in with his gibberish.

I’m actually surprised that Harris team doesn’t want mics muted!

Let’s be honest, Trump has nothing to say, and i’ve said before i think he’s best strategy is to be the asshole he is and try and throw Harris off her game.

Which means interrupt ALOT! Everytime she starts making a good point or is on a roll…INTERRUPT…LIE..WHATEVER IT TAKES to throw her off.

Her general nature from what i’ve seen is to let the other person speak and then respond.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Yeah. These last eight years exposed how backwards our political system is.

You don’t have to be qualified or experienced to hold a political position.

Few companies in America will not allow inexperience to operate or make decisions that affects how the company is ran.

But not our political system. Mongoose shit can run for office as long as it has a political opinion that people can agree with.


I needed a Bachelor's degree and at least 1 year experience before I could be hired as a social worker but she can have access to vital information, influence the public and our policies, and take part in decision making for our country which can have serious consequences with only a GED :smh:


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I’m actually surprised that Harris team doesn’t want mics muted!

Let’s be honest, Trump has nothing to say, and i’ve said before i think he’s best strategy is to be the asshole he is and try and throw Harris off her game.

Which means interrupt ALOT! Everytime she starts making a good point or is on a roll…INTERRUPT…LIE..WHATEVER IT TAKES to throw her off.

Her general nature from what i’ve seen is to let the other person speak and then respond.

They want his mic on because he can't help but sound crazy. On top of that because Harris has a background in law as well as being in the court system she's better equipped to handle him on the fly than Biden was. Unfortunately for Biden what would mess him up was his stutter. Harris doesn't have that issue and she's quicker on her feet when it comes to dealing with interruptions then Biden could be.
Additionally if she checks him on the Fly it makes her look strong especially when dealing with someone who the mega crowd thinks is a manly man. On top of that if he loses his cool, and you know he would that also helps her because now you can say how can this guy be presidential when he can't even handle a debate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I needed a Bachelor's degree and at least 1 year experience before I could be hired as a social worker but she can have access to vital information, influence the public and our policies, and take part in decision making for our country which can have serious consequences with only a GED :smh:
So I wonder could this be something that’s changed?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She can’t read that graphic.


Haha to be fair Professor,

Graphics can be challenging for a lot of folks. Let’s break it down for them…let me know if i miss anything

Just looking at it lets break down a few things

1) Productivity is at the top and should speak for itself

2) CPI (%Y/Y) Consumer Price Index refers to the price me/you pay for goods/services and the (%Y/Y) bit refers to that price for a specific month compared to last year of that same month. For example March 2023 vs March 2024.

3) Unit Labor Cost (%Y/Y) refers to the average cost of labor per unit of output. How much work does cost to make that product/provide that service etc and we already talked about the (%Y/Y) previously in CPI.

So analyzing the graphic are X-axis represent the years and Y-axis represent the %

Quickest analysis i can give suggests

Trump: Jan 2017- Jan 2021
For the most part CPI remained steady(Low) and Unit Labor (Fluctuated between moderate and low)

Biden: Jan 2021 - Current
At the start of Biden’s Presidency Inflation shot up along with labor reaching it’s highest point mid 2022 and has since declined significantly.

What’s hidden in the graph that need to be taken into consideration:

1) Trump inherited the “Obama” economy which was in far better shape than the one Biden got. Specifically the BIG factor is Covid-19. Which drove inflation all over the world. Biden administration along with the world has had to fight to bring things back under control…note the “*” and “**” and the bottom of the graph depicting intervention his administration implemented.
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

Haha to be fair Professor,

Graphics can be challenging for a lot of folks. Let’s break it down for them…let me know if i miss anything

Just looking at it lets break down a few things

1) Productivity is at the top and should speak for itself

2) CPI (%Y/Y) Consumer Price Index refers to the price me/you pay for goods/services and the (%Y/Y) bit refers to that price for a specific month compared to last year of that same month. For example March 2023 vs March 2024.

3) Unit Labor Cost (%Y/Y) refers to the average cost of labor per unit of output. How much work does cost to make that product/provide that service etc and we already talked about the (%Y/Y) previously in CPI.

So analyzing the graphic are X-axis represent the years and Y-axis represent the %

Quickest analysis i can give suggests

Trump: Jan 2017- Jan 2021
For the most part CPI remained steady(Low) and Unit Labor (Fluctuated between moderate and low)

Biden: Jan 2021 - Current
At the start of Biden’s Presidency Inflation shot up along with labor reaching it’s highest point mid 2022 and has since declined significantly.

What’s hidden in the graph that need to be taken into consideration:

1) Trump inherited the “Obama” economy which was in far better shape than the one Biden got. Specifically the BIG factor is Covid-19. Which drove inflation all over the world.

Yes, that’s a great breakdown.

There are a lot of hidden things that we have to take into considerations. For example, A.I.’s influence is taking effect and job creation slowing. Covid’s residuals effects, too.

So the chart is arguable, but it still shows inflation has leveled while production cost is down. This allows us to set newer normals or possibly reduce inflation further. The graphic also point out when Biden’s policies were set in place to reduce inflation and that they are working.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m actually surprised that Harris team doesn’t want mics muted!

Let’s be honest, Trump has nothing to say, and i’ve said before i think he’s best strategy is to be the asshole he is and try and throw Harris off her game.

Which means interrupt ALOT! Everytime she starts making a good point or is on a roll…INTERRUPT…LIE..WHATEVER IT TAKES to throw her off.

Her general nature from what i’ve seen is to let the other person speak and then respond.
Keep in mind that despite how badly people wanted to say that Biden did, most watchers of the last debate (especially undecided voters) still felt like Trump came off sounding worse overall between lying and attacking Biden for no reason.

Given the opportunity, he absolutely will interrupt Harris and spout nonsense attacks. The thing is, that will only make him look weaker. He will look like he is afraid of what is being said, especially when it is being presented in a composed manner.

Not to mention the fact that the last optic Trump should want is the notion of him attacking a woman, a woman of color, no less. The only worse optic is to do that and then be schooled by said woman of color. I've said this before, and I want to restress it: Harris does not like Trump. She is probably not only willing but absolutely ready to tell him certain things to his face.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Keep in mind that despite how badly people wanted to say that Biden did, most watchers of the last debate (especially undecided voters) still felt like Trump came off sounding worse overall between lying and attacking Biden for no reason.

Given the opportunity, he absolutely will interrupt Harris and spout nonsense attacks. The thing is, that will only make him look weaker. He will look like is afraid of what is being said, especially when it is being presented in a compose manner.

Not to mention the fact that the last optic Trump should want is the notion of him attacking a woman, a woman of color, no less. The only worse optic is to that and then be schooled by said woman of color. I've said this before, and I want to restress it: Harris does not like Trump. She is probably not only willing but absolutely ready to tell him certain things to his face.

Agreed under normal circumstance with someone else not named Trump.

The part i’m considering is at this stage under his presidency and throughtout the campaign etc

Who the hell at this stage doesn’t know Trump lies and lies and lies and lies and is rude and arrogant etc etc etc?

My point being sure a few folks here and there have been living under a rock. But the majority have an idea of who Trump is and if they were going to vote for him that’s not going to change much, imo, even if he has the worst possible debate in history.

The person that’s MOST at risk and it’s not even close is Harris.

Alot of folks don’t know her well, have never heard her debate and articulate, Have no idea how she stands up under pressure/attack from the other side live.

Make no mistake about it. She can’t just do “good” she has to knock it out the park!

That’s an extremely loathy and high standard that she has to live up to..

If not the headlines are going to read
“She’s not up for the Job!”Harris crashes under pressure etc!"