Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What's even more crazy is that Roland Martin spoke to the DNC Chair in SC, Christale who is the first black women to lead the SC Dem. Party, and based on the data he stated if 70% of blacks voted in SC, SC would be a blue state.

Probably want see it this election cycle, but speaking to a friend of mines that works in SC politics, there is a larger than expected turnout from the black community and in general for people in SC....

Article from last year when Roland spoke at Clafin

“If Black people in South Carolina voted at 70% to 75% of registered numbers, we could sweep every statewide seat in South Carolina,” Martin said.

but if we are all honest with each other; this statement is true in the whole South and pretty much every area that we are at!! the majority of us dont vote!! for whatever reason and thats the problem; if we all did and all voted as a collective; we could determine everything and also get a lot of what we ask for; theres only 2 ways to change the system!! either we all fight and or die, as a collective; or we all change their system within the system; those are the only ways...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Big 3 I can dig, West Coast music I can dig, movies I can dig, Intellectuality and/or rationality not so much.... I don't understand why it is so difficult to understand that this country needs saving from the eventual alienation of the black community by a few white folk who never gave a shit about your vote or your well being in the first place.

thanks captain obvious...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
that is a very charitable description of that man's bullsh*t.

I'm not saying you even wrong.

But I'm personally not in a place to give that guy that much grace especially at such a critical time socially and politically

Bro what if he really is just a fake smart asshole?

Do we NEED that right now?
We don't but Charlamagne has been nothing but consistent. His and Nick Wrights rise has me even more puzzled than the rise of Trump. Thing about it is, both of them just throw stuff against the wall and occasionally will say something correct. :dunno: They are not as bad as Emanuel Acho with the majority of their guests looking at them like :hmm: