Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama will eventually endorse Kamala. Obama has always been measured and thoughtful when he speaks. He gonna make sure everything is lined up before he gives an official endorsement.

And I don't know if he was on board w/Joe not running again. That was the rumor floating around, but if he was..it's because he smart enough to know that was the right play.
This. I think Obama is trying to return to the more neutral stance that former presidents have traditionally held when it came to elections.

Also, moments where he has actively gotten involved were seen as big deals, so he might just be waiting for a key moment to make that statement. I don't think his silence on the matter should be read as being against it. If anything, he might be saving that for when it is needed later. This news cycle and wave of support really didn't need another voice coming forward.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama will eventually endorse Kamala. Obama has always been measured and thoughtful when he speaks. He gonna make sure everything is lined up before he gives an official endorsement.

And I don't know if he was on board w/Joe not running again. That was the rumor floating around, but if he was..it's because he smart enough to know that was the right play.

This. I think Obama is trying to return to the more neutral stance that former presidents have traditionally held when it came to elections.

Also, moments where he has actively gotten involved were seen as big deals, so he might just be waiting for a key moment to make that statement. I don't think his silence on the matter should be read as being against it. If anything, he might be saving that for when it is needed later. This news cycle and wave of support really didn't need another voice coming forward.
Using logic, this makes sense.


Transnational Member

Kamala Harris is going to have to make a decision to disavow her Indian kinfolk. If she start acting bizarre talking like them, no black vote, you can't have it both ways.

Obama and Biden had to do the same thing even though Obama went to that church everyday.

Don't be putting them at all up in your cabinet or doing interviews talking about your Indian or it is loserville for you.


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nice chess move by the Dems. I was a little skeptical at first, but this may have been the best choice considering the short amount of time. And I’m curious on how this will play out. GOP are going to struggle trying to discredit Kamala, especially with pro-life on the table.

I’ll be voting for Kamala. I’m not trying to do another four years with Trump.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nice chess move by the Dems. I was a little skeptical at first, but this may have been the best choice considering the short amount of time. And I’m curious on how this will play out. GOP are going to struggle trying to discredit Kamala, especially with pro-life on the table.

I’ll be voting for Kamala. I’m not trying to do another four years with Trump.

My thoughts exactly, fam


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
if trump gets back in office he WILL be UNLEASHED. As it stands SCOTUS just confirmed that the president can do pretty much ANYTHING and it been deemed for national security or public interest. Basically the argument Nixon used in Watergate that was never answered because he was shamed into resigning before it could be. Trump has no shame. So youre looking at a person who WILL brazenly use the FBI and DOJ for personal reasons. You know the same shit republicans screamed illegal when they thought Obama was doing it. Trump WILL openly do it.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Dude she's going to win. I remember when people said this about Obama. All that was needed is a competent candidate. Trump is weak as fuck. I'm seeing the energy from people. Look at how Republicans are reacting including Trump. They know what it is.
LOL. Life doesn't work on your belief.

Have you looked at polls? You know, real measurable statistics?

Obama was leading Mccain by 7 points during this time when he ran.

y'all just say anything to make you feel good.