Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
Platinum Member
These dumb mothafuckas still discussing debunked stories and low information talking points. They never talk about paid family leave, expanded medicare, student loan forgiveness, increased minimum wages etc. just the same tired old greatest hits of misinformation.

Resident MAGA-land bros are in dire straits with their inconsequential reposings of: enlarged images of RANDOM man-butts from an HBO show, AI images of VP Harris next to a tub of collard greens, and confused White MAGA folks unfamiliar with code switching in speech at venues.

Straight WEIRD.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Y’all better be careful of these so-called FBA folk who are trying to rewrite what it means to be Black all while taking checks from republicans who seek to destroy our community.

This is the most manipulative, maniacal attack on Blackness since 3rd wave of the Klan.

Every Black person has mixed family members and we may crack jokes about it, but are never serious about them not being Black. I think anyone pretending there is some new paradigm that changes this isn’t a good faith actor.

What is wild to me is the so called “reparations or nothing” argument, but they are basing their cry for reparations only for folk who are descendants of American slavery, but reparations is owed for more than slavery.

Black people are owed reparations for slavery AND the racist policies since slavery, specifically the periods of reconstruction and Jim Crow…so their logic would be, it doesn’t matter if you were here during reconstruction or during Jim Crow you aren’t owed anything.

Let’s get serious and drown out this republican backed group, who has no serious ideas for our community


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales says at the Trib Fest that the GOP is at risk of losing the House because of the party's more extreme members.

"What's frustrating me is I firmly believe that House Republicans are going to lose the majority. And we're going to lose it because of ourselves."