Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is, by definition, a code switch and it’s normal practice in everyday sociology. Adjusting to your surroundings is survival. Not adapting is a clear lack of intelligence.

Now that that’s clarified, I ask again, what is the difference in what she’s doing, to when black folks put on a job interview voice for white dollars?
The most obvious difference is that we actually have plenty of audio on how she really talks. We know its fake. That's why it's so insulting. The person interviewing you for a job has never heard you speak before.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

I wouldn't be shocked if there were somehow an indirect connection to the Joe Rogan podcast when it's all said and done since he's changed pretty drastically in the last 4-5 years IMO and seems to have some of the suspected people on his show fairly regularly.

I doubt he's been bought or compromised directly since his income is widely known and he wouldn't need to accept the money but he could have been compromised in other ways.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

NEWS: Judge Tanya Chutkan wants prosecutors and defense attorneys to file significant legal briefs in Trump's 2020 election interference case BEFORE voters head to the ballot box in November — rejecting Trump's request to move at a slower pace.

The special counsel has until Sept. 26 to file the opening brief on immunity claims.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

FBA/ADOS reaction:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Hunter Biden has released this statement:

“I went to trial in Delaware not realizing the anguish it would cause my family, and I will not put them through it again. When it became clear to me that the same prosecutors were focused not on justice but on dehumanizing me for my actions during my addiction, there was only one path left for me. I will not subject my family to more pain, more invasions of privacy and needless embarrassment. For all I have put them through over the years, I can spare them this, and so I have decided to plead guilty.

Like millions of Americans, I failed to file and pay my taxes on time. For that I am responsible. As I have stated, addiction is not an excuse, but it is an explanation for some of my failures at issue in this case.

When I was addicted, I wasn't thinking about my taxes, I was thinking about surviving. But the jury would never have heard that or know that I had paid every penny of my back taxes including penalties.

That I have been clean and sober for more than five years now because I have had the love and support of my family.

I can never repay them for showing up for me and helping me through my worst moments. But I can protect them from being publicly humiliated for my failures.

For anyone now going through the scourge of addiction, please know there is a light at the end of that seemingly endless tunnel. I was where you are now. Don't quit right before the miracle.”


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor