Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I’ve had some explosive conversations, especially after Trump won in 2016.

I was teaching at a primarily conservative institute. So sex, politics, and religion got folks going. The nursing students were very open about their sexuality. The vets were conservative and pro Trump. The religious students were balanced between conservative and liberal since I’m in NC. But an atheist in class could set some shit off.

It was a range of insanely stupid opinions to sensible ones. Mostly insanely stupid though.

Aye fam, regarding the bolded part, like a thrown Molotov cocktail, huh? :lol::roflmao:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

How do y’all handle it when you’re at work and your white co-workers start talking shit about Kamala and trying to dap you up in agreement?
The best answer is probably something like, "I don't wan t to get into that here." or "I don't talk politics at work."

If you want something practical but less volatile to say, I try to speak in general statements that are fundamentally true and, given emotion al context, cannot be disputed. Something alone the lines of, "I'm just tired of him/tired of dealing with him." People that support Trump can at least admit that he is a burden, and it sends a clear message that you aren't about to get on board with statements that support him.

If they really want to press you on it, again, just tell them you don't want to talk about it.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Aye fam, regarding the bolded part, like a thrown Molotov cocktail, huh? :lol::roflmao:

Fam, I wish you could have been in the room.

This incel school shooter white boy was just mad about religion because of his sad life circumstances.

The black women in the class, of course, leaned on God and Jesus when it came to how they cope with their problems.

He said “yall don’t even know what god looks like. I COULD BE YOUR GOD!”

Bruh, all them black women were like “oh, hell naw. I know this white boy didn’t just say that!” And they all got up and walked out of class.

And I’m sitting at the desk like:


Mind you. We in math class :lol:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nothing funnier than the whataboutism that makes sure that centering people on the other side of the world is more important than the things that affect kids, ESPECIALLY YOUNG BLACK KIDS, here in the US.

Leftists will never beat the allegations.
Still cherry picking..what happened to the build back better plan of Biden/harris


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The degree of Russian compromise of the Republican party is one of the great stories of American political history. Those of us who worked within the party saw it happen, accompanied by a right-wing media industry that found it profitable to label Russian influence a "hoax." There's nothing like it in American history.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What’s crazy is 1) I don’t get into it.

And 2)

The person going most hardest against Kamala wasn’t the white folks in the group. It was drum roll…..

The only BLACK women that was in the group discussing politics.

I mean she was seething against Kamala like she knew her personally and Kamala stole her man….

She’s a liar! I can’t stand liars etc etc etc.

I’m just watching this Black women just rip into Kamala…

I had so many thoughts.

If Kamala’s a liar what does that make Trump?

Btw. You know she didn’t mention Trump once during this…


The white folks LOVED it!

All I could do is shake my head internally!

As black folks we have to do better. Especially when we’re around white folks.

You don’t like her? Fine!

But how do you get on another minority like that infront of white folks?

Ripping not some but ALL of her accomplishments etc?

The MAGA leaning guys were prob low key thinking, while listening:

"WOOOOO buddy, she's sounding fuckable, today!!"

'WOW, she goes much harder than I ever would against VP Harris"

"Might have to invite her to the next lodge retreat"

"Every time I hear her say the name, 'Kamala' with disdain, I instantly tune in to what those voluptuous lips have to say!!"


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fam, I wish you could have been in the room.

This incel school shooter white boy was just mad about religion because of his sad life circumstances.

The black women in the class, of course, leaned on God and Jesus when it came to how they cope with their problems.

He said “yall don’t even know what god looks like. I COULD BE YOUR GOD!”

Bruh, all them black women were like “oh, hell naw. I know this white boy didn’t just say that!” And they all got up and walked out of class.

And I’m setting at the desk like:


Mind you. We in math class :lol:

He went into straight, "you know what, fuck it" mode


Whoa, wait, was this before he actually shot up a school? WTF? o_O

Or did you mean it as an adjective: "incel school shooter looking mofo"


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Against my tears and wishes, my daughter went to an Ivy League school. I have preached for her entire life that the road you have taken isn't the same as the losers at those schools who will question and badger her. I spent the majority of her life trying to keep her away from them for her to turn and go there.