Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee



That is projection. What you are describing is the democrat party.

Everyone knows mainstream news is overwhelmingly democrat, especially CNN and MSNBC.
They all were saying "weird" as it related to JD Vance recently. So don't tell me about "talking points. The mainstream media all have talking points.


if we had closed borders to the degree youre talking YOU wouldn't be here..the country is a fucking nation of immigrants... hell they put in their brand for the country:

they said that when MILLIONS of EUROPEAN immigrants flooded the shores (legally and otherwise) and when that was happening you know what blacks were saying??

"Cast Down Your Buckets"

Booker T. Washington calls for industrial employers to hire AMERICAN blacks over the immigrants filling the shores from Europe in 1895.

HOW DID THAT WORK OUT FOR THE BLACK AMERICANS THEN??? Do you think it was right then???

if illegals are treated better than blacks what does that say about AMERICAN SOCIETY as a whole?? Any American employer willing to hire illegal immigrants over americans says more about that employer than it does about any political party.

The United States established diplomatic relations with Ukraine in 1991, following its independence from the Soviet Union. The United States attaches great importance to the success of Ukraine’s transition to a modern democratic state with a flourishing market economy. U.S. policy is centered on realizing and strengthening a democratic, prosperous, and secure Ukraine more closely integrated into Europe and Euro-Atlantic structures.

The US industrial military complex has always printed money. We were damn near 20 years and 2 TRILLION dollars in on Iraq and Afghanistan before conservatives FINALLY started talking about shutting it down. Am I happy about the Ukraine-Russia war NO...but if they got enough money for that then they got enough money for student loan forgiveness and reparations right?? I'm sure YOU as a black man would AGREE on both those points...RIGHT??:hmm::hmm::hmm:

The underlying problem is not inflation. It’s corporate power. The entire American economy is concentrated into the hands of a few greedy, corporate giants with the power to raise prices.
Only a few entities have access to the land and pipelines that control the oil and gas powering most of the world.
They took a hit during the pandemic as most people stayed home. But they are more than making up for it now, limiting supply and ratcheting up prices. Warren: “Chevron, Exxon have doubled their profits. This isn’t about inflation. This is about price gouging.”
Or look at consumer goods. In April 2021, Procter & Gamble raised prices on staples like diapers and toilet paper, citing increased costs in raw materials and transportation. But P&G has been making huge profits.

After some of its price increases went into effect, it reported an almost 25% profit margin. Looking to buy your diapers elsewhere? Good luck.
The market is dominated by P&G and Kimberly-Clark, which—NOT entirely coincidentally—raised its prices at the same time. Another example: in April 2021, PepsiCo raised prices, blaming higher costs for ingredients, freight, and labor. It then recorded $3 billion in operating profits through September. How did it get away with this without losing customers? Pepsi has only one major competitor, Coca-Cola, which promptly raised its own prices. Coca-Cola recorded $10 billion in revenues in the third quarter of 2021, up 16% from the previous year.

Food prices are soaring, but half of that is from meat, which costs 15% more than last year. There are only four major meat processing companies in America, which are all raising their prices and enjoying record profits. Get the picture?

Harris talks about price gouging....what's capitalist king trump's take on corporations making record profits by artificially inflating goods and services??

BUBBLES, BUBBLES, BUBBLES....they always seem to pop when republicans are in office....

are you fucking kidding?? Biden dropped out because of media and party pressure.. his debate performance was so bad he made 78 year old trump look like he had some sense. Thats why he's not in the race..and since he's dropped donny is the OLD MAN in the race..thats just reality. :lol:

Here's the key point: Nobody is saying immigration is bad or we should not let anyone in. There is a proper way to do it. We have laws. What of the people waiting in line fro years waiting for their citizenship as they pay thousands for this process? How do you think they feel seeing people walk across the border illegally without consequences and get benefits from doing this with literal money, housing, healthcare and soon citizenship (california is trying). Get in line. You don't reward bad behavior. This is so basic


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Dick Cheney confirms he's voting for Vice President Harris:

"In our nation's 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.

"As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris."

You have to be really EVIL to not get an endorsement from Dick Cheney .


if we had closed borders to the degree youre talking YOU wouldn't be here..the country is a fucking nation of immigrants... hell they put in their brand for the country:

they said that when MILLIONS of EUROPEAN immigrants flooded the shores (legally and otherwise) and when that was happening you know what blacks were saying??

"Cast Down Your Buckets"

Booker T. Washington calls for industrial employers to hire AMERICAN blacks over the immigrants filling the shores from Europe in 1895.

HOW DID THAT WORK OUT FOR THE BLACK AMERICANS THEN??? Do you think it was right then???

if illegals are treated better than blacks what does that say about AMERICAN SOCIETY as a whole?? Any American employer willing to hire illegal immigrants over americans says more about that employer than it does about any political party.

The United States established diplomatic relations with Ukraine in 1991, following its independence from the Soviet Union. The United States attaches great importance to the success of Ukraine’s transition to a modern democratic state with a flourishing market economy. U.S. policy is centered on realizing and strengthening a democratic, prosperous, and secure Ukraine more closely integrated into Europe and Euro-Atlantic structures.

The US industrial military complex has always printed money. We were damn near 20 years and 2 TRILLION dollars in on Iraq and Afghanistan before conservatives FINALLY started talking about shutting it down. Am I happy about the Ukraine-Russia war NO...but if they got enough money for that then they got enough money for student loan forgiveness and reparations right?? I'm sure YOU as a black man would AGREE on both those points...RIGHT??:hmm::hmm::hmm:

The underlying problem is not inflation. It’s corporate power. The entire American economy is concentrated into the hands of a few greedy, corporate giants with the power to raise prices.
Only a few entities have access to the land and pipelines that control the oil and gas powering most of the world.
They took a hit during the pandemic as most people stayed home. But they are more than making up for it now, limiting supply and ratcheting up prices. Warren: “Chevron, Exxon have doubled their profits. This isn’t about inflation. This is about price gouging.”
Or look at consumer goods. In April 2021, Procter & Gamble raised prices on staples like diapers and toilet paper, citing increased costs in raw materials and transportation. But P&G has been making huge profits.

After some of its price increases went into effect, it reported an almost 25% profit margin. Looking to buy your diapers elsewhere? Good luck.
The market is dominated by P&G and Kimberly-Clark, which—NOT entirely coincidentally—raised its prices at the same time. Another example: in April 2021, PepsiCo raised prices, blaming higher costs for ingredients, freight, and labor. It then recorded $3 billion in operating profits through September. How did it get away with this without losing customers? Pepsi has only one major competitor, Coca-Cola, which promptly raised its own prices. Coca-Cola recorded $10 billion in revenues in the third quarter of 2021, up 16% from the previous year.

Food prices are soaring, but half of that is from meat, which costs 15% more than last year. There are only four major meat processing companies in America, which are all raising their prices and enjoying record profits. Get the picture?

Harris talks about price gouging....what's capitalist king trump's take on corporations making record profits by artificially inflating goods and services??

BUBBLES, BUBBLES, BUBBLES....they always seem to pop when republicans are in office....

are you fucking kidding?? Biden dropped out because of media and party pressure.. his debate performance was so bad he made 78 year old trump look like he had some sense. Thats why he's not in the race..and since he's dropped donny is the OLD MAN in the race..thats just reality. :lol:

You said this is about price gouging? I disagree. When the goverment spends money like a 16 year old girl in the mall, coupled by printing money like there is no tomorrow, Geopolitical tension and Oil prices caused by the Biden/Harris Administration as soon as they got in office , you get the situation we are in now.


This piece of shit had Kanye vibes before Kanye.
Tell me exactly what is wrong or false in his commentary?

Trump goes on dozens of interviews and discussions.
Kamala goes on one and needs support of her VP with her.

If the candidate is scared to face the American people and articulate a policy vision in detail and clarity, why should he give her our vote?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

GARZARELLI CAPITAL: “.. PRODUCTIVITY LOWERS INFLATION – LET’S KEEP IT GOING .. “.. We credit Biden’s three programs .. for much of the productivity, inflation improvement, and economic growth over the last two years (the Infrastructure Investment Act .., the Semiconductors and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act ..)”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I asked
2 to compare the candidates approach to child care

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris present starkly different approaches to addressing child care costs, reflecting broader ideological differences in economic policy and social welfare:

- **Donald Trump's Approach**:
- **Tariffs as a Solution**: Trump's response to reducing child care costs has been to suggest that increasing tariffs on foreign goods would generate enough revenue to make child care costs negligible in comparison. This approach lacks direct policy specifics on child care itself, instead relying on a broad economic strategy where the increased revenue from tariffs would theoretically fund various government expenses, including implicitly child care.
- **Economic Strategy Over Direct Policy**: Critics and policy experts have described Trump's explanation as incoherent and lacking in detail, pointing out that his reliance on tariffs to fund social programs like child care doesn't address the immediate or structural issues of affordability directly. This method assumes that economic growth spurred by protectionism would trickle down to solve social issues, which many economists argue is overly simplistic and not directly linked to child care costs.

- **Kamala Harris's Approach**:
- **Direct Policy Measures**: Harris has proposed more targeted policies aimed at reducing child care costs. Her plans include expanding the child tax credit, specifically offering up to $6,000 in tax relief for families during the first year of a child's life, and broader tax relief aimed at middle and lower-income families. This approach directly tackles affordability by putting more money back into families' pockets.
- **Comprehensive Family Support**: Beyond child care, Harris's campaign has highlighted intentions to address related economic pressures like housing, food, and health care costs, suggesting a holistic approach to family welfare. Her policy includes protecting and expanding programs like Medicare's insulin cap and advocating for paid leave, indicating a commitment to reducing financial burdens on families across multiple fronts.

- **Contrast in Policy Philosophy**:
- **Trump's philosophy leans towards economic nationalism**, where the focus is on boosting domestic production through protectionist measures, theoretically leading to economic growth that would indirectly benefit social sectors like child care. However, this approach lacks direct engagement with the specifics of child care policy.
- **Harris's policies reflect a more interventionist government role**, directly addressing social issues through targeted financial relief and legislative measures aimed at reducing costs and increasing accessibility to care. Her approach is seen as more in line with traditional Democratic policies of using government programs to address social inequalities directly.

- **Public and Expert Reaction**:
- Trump's tariff-based solution has been met with skepticism, described as economically unsound and not directly addressing child care needs. Critics argue it's a deflection from providing concrete policy solutions.
- Harris's proposals, while more detailed, are part of a broader Democratic push towards social spending, which faces its own criticisms regarding funding and effectiveness but is generally seen as more directly tackling the issue at hand.

This contrast underscores a fundamental difference in how each candidate views the role of government in addressing social welfare: Trump through broad economic policy hoping for trickle-down benefits, and Harris through targeted, direct financial support and legislative action.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

:lol: :lol:
You are a funny boy, aren’t you Stephen ?

First. Pittsburgh has an h at the end.

More importantly, I have worked to help a portfolio company, @guardianbikes move their production from offshore to Indiana


And we built @costplusdrugs robotics based factory in Dallas. We make things like pediatric cancer drugs that are in short supply


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