Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Foundational white Christians aka BGOL free thinkers.



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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Retired Generals & Admirals Blame Trump for Afghan Withdrawal​

Ten former Generals, Admirals, and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps issued a letter today blaming Donald Trump for the issues that led to the chaotic withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.
The letter, which titled the group as 'National Security Leaders for America,' includes Admiral Steve Abbot who was a former senior advisor to George W. Bush. The letter begins by emphasizing Harris's support for NATO, Ukraine and our allies while noting that Trump's own for national security team has publicly stated that he is a danger to those alliances. It then goes on to note Trump's disparaging comments about wounded veterans and the Medal of Honor.
But the most pointed criticism of Trump in the letter is specific to the Afghan withdrawal, which Trump has made a centerpiece of his campaign and is likely to raise as an issue at the upcoming debate with Harris. 13 US service members were killed in a terrorist attack at Abbey Gate, which led to Trump exploiting one of their families to do a campaign photo op recently at Arlington National Cemetery.

These senior military officers place the blame for the withdrawal squarely on Trump, whose actions leading up to it created an impossible situation for his successor:
He repeatedly fails to take responsibility for his own role in putting service members in harm's way.
Without involving the Afghan government, he and his Administration negotiated a deal with the Taliban that freed 5,000 Taliban fighters and allowed them to return to the battlefield. Then, he left President Biden and Vice President Harris with no plans to execute a withdrawal, and with little time to do so. This chaotic approach severely hindered the Biden-Harris Administration's ability to execute the most orderly withdrawal possible and put our service members and our allies at risk.
Nevertheless, President Biden with the support of Vice President Harris ended America's longest war, oversaw the largest airlift in U.S. history, and brought our troops home.

You can read the full letter here:
Afghan Letter

The Harris Campaign released a new ad today to emphasize some of the points made in the letter. The ad includes quotes referenced in the letter from Trump's former national security team, including Mike Pence, Mark Esper, Mark Milley and John Bolton. The campaign is running the ad this week in Pennsylvania and on FoxNews in Palm Beach.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Vice President Harris on debating Trump: "He plays from this really old and tired playbook, right? There's no floor for him in terms of how low he will go and we should be prepared for that. We should be prepared for the fact that he is not burdened by telling the truth, and we should be prepared for the fact that he is probably going to speak a lot of untruth."
Via The Rickey Smiley Morning Show


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is, by definition, a code switch and it’s normal practice in everyday sociology. Adjusting to your surroundings is survival. Not adapting is a clear lack of intelligence.

Now that that’s clarified, I ask again, what is the difference in what she’s doing, to when black folks put on a job interview voice for white dollars?

I work with a lot of white people. They code switch all the time. They say they're "speaking in a professional manner" but it's just code switching.

If a supposed Blacks person in here confused about code switching they ain’t Black. No wonder it’s the usual suspects who go anti Democrat crazy every election year and even crazier when the candidate is Black. Unless you’re a Republikkklan coon then they stay silent and zero in on the Dem.

As do I and I have no issues with it. Trying to build and forge relationships is what it’s all about.

All of a sudden, someone running for the Presidency does it and it’s a talking point?

Things must be real bad on that side cause per usual, this is grasping at straws.
We all know whats up and only complete idiots have a problem with it
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game “….


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Retired Generals & Admirals Blame Trump for Afghan Withdrawal​

Ten former Generals, Admirals, and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps issued a letter today blaming Donald Trump for the issues that led to the chaotic withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.
The letter, which titled the group as 'National Security Leaders for America,' includes Admiral Steve Abbot who was a former senior advisor to George W. Bush. The letter begins by emphasizing Harris's support for NATO, Ukraine and our allies while noting that Trump's own for national security team has publicly stated that he is a danger to those alliances. It then goes on to note Trump's disparaging comments about wounded veterans and the Medal of Honor.
But the most pointed criticism of Trump in the letter is specific to the Afghan withdrawal, which Trump has made a centerpiece of his campaign and is likely to raise as an issue at the upcoming debate with Harris. 13 US service members were killed in a terrorist attack at Abbey Gate, which led to Trump exploiting one of their families to do a campaign photo op recently at Arlington National Cemetery.

These senior military officers place the blame for the withdrawal squarely on Trump, whose actions leading up to it created an impossible situation for his successor:
He repeatedly fails to take responsibility for his own role in putting service members in harm's way.
Without involving the Afghan government, he and his Administration negotiated a deal with the Taliban that freed 5,000 Taliban fighters and allowed them to return to the battlefield. Then, he left President Biden and Vice President Harris with no plans to execute a withdrawal, and with little time to do so. This chaotic approach severely hindered the Biden-Harris Administration's ability to execute the most orderly withdrawal possible and put our service members and our allies at risk.
Nevertheless, President Biden with the support of Vice President Harris ended America's longest war, oversaw the largest airlift in U.S. history, and brought our troops home.

You can read the full letter here:
Afghan Letter

The Harris Campaign released a new ad today to emphasize some of the points made in the letter. The ad includes quotes referenced in the letter from Trump's former national security team, including Mike Pence, Mark Esper, Mark Milley and John Bolton. The campaign is running the ad this week in Pennsylvania and on FoxNews in Palm Beach.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

DAAA FUCK.......????

This braindead politician kamala just said the same shit, three different times,

if she is this wasteful with words, I dont trust her with tax dollars...

• “He is not burdened by the truth.” • “He is probably going to speak a lot of untruth.” • “I think he’s gonna lie.”

She really mastered the art of how to say a lot, WITHOUT SAYING NOTHING..

She would EMBARASS us on the WORLD STAGE...

Gotta go with the Orange dude.. MAKE AMERICAN Moors GREAT AGAIN


Rising Star
Let's use your basketball example. Plenty of black sports commentators propped up Joker as the 2nd coming of the great white hope. Joker was not to be criticized becuase he was good for the league thus good for their pockets. Hi Caitlin! Trumps policies or lack there of. Trumps interviews with safe spaces like Fox, OAN recieved little to no criticism. So miss me with every bit of criticism of Harris in that regard. Rules are for everyone or they are for no one. White people enforce rules like a dress code. White guy good black guy bad. Not on my watch playa.

Trump gets criticized 24/7 on MSNBC, all the time on CNN, plenty in NYT, WaPo, etc. The Washington Post tracked something like 30,000 lies during his presidency and didn't bother tracking Biden's lies. (I don't blame them, to be clear.)

The idea that it's all "White guy good black guy bad" is an emotional argument, not a realistic or factual one.

This thread is the closest I have ever been to a cult meeting... I want the same outcome as y'all but I'm astounded at the QAnon-like dismissal of reality, fabricating enemies and only being willing to take in information that supports what you believe or want.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Trump gets criticized 24/7 on MSNBC, all the time on CNN, plenty in NYT, WaPo, etc. The Washington Post tracked something like 30,000 lies during his presidency and didn't bother tracking Biden's lies. (I don't blame them, to be clear.)

The idea that it's all "White guy good black guy bad" is an emotional argument, not a realistic or factual one.

This thread is the closest I have ever been to a cult meeting... I want the same outcome as y'all but I'm astounded at the QAnon-like dismissal of reality, fabricating enemies and only being willing to take in information that supports what you believe or want.

DNC_DUDE be like:
