Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another white supremicst.

The “Haitians eating cats” thing is utterly stupid. It’s crude and easily debunked and thus easily turned around and used to make the Right look bad.

What’s interesting is that in 2016 a phenomenon like that would have been promoted solely by 4chan and the Alt-Right. Today, it’s echoed by Ted Cruz, JD Vance, and Ashley St. Claire, to name a few. The Alt-Right methodology and “vibe” has been fully integrated into the GOP. At this point, online racism is just another chapter in the “Southern strategy.”


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Dammit you're stupid.

Lets be real are you stepping up to adopt unwanted kids. Is anyone in your family doing it?? Will you be there for a teen mom? Its always the silly niggas on here saying dumb shit but at the same time hating on single mothers and claiming they don't want to date a woman with kids. Growing up my neighbor across the street from me took in foster kids and I still know a few of this to this day. Some of the shit they went through in the system in NYC was fucked up. But you'd rather we have more of that.

Affirmative Action benefits white women but thats not the ONLY people it benefits. Thats the problem with the ADOS knuckleheads.....if it helps anyone else other than just Black people then it doesn't help. How stupid does that sound?? "Nah don't give me that winder coat cause yoyu also gave one to that white woman....I'd rather freeze to death."

The more you talk the more retarded you sound.

Also.....tether is dumb shit made up by Tariq. Maybe the reason you sound dumb is cause you not getting enough air cause you for Tariq's nuts too deep in your mouth. Stop sucking scammer dick and breath little bitch.

Still ignoring the stats at hand and posting anecdotal bullshit instead. I would educate you on the history of Margaret Sanger and Jane Roe as well, but I’m sure your Democrat-addicted brain will reject that factual info as well.

And yes, I proudly say that I put MY people first. So any affirmative action program that does not prioritize ADOS Black Americans and instead benefits white women, immigrants, LGBTQ, and other “minorities” isn’t one that I support.

You talk a lot about Tariq and gay shit and I’ve never once mentioned the motherfucker. Sounds like he lives rent-free in your head and you’ve got some repressed desire for him batty-boi.

Now go get your pom-poms so you can cheer, snap, and roll your neck and “you go gurl” and “yaaaas sis” for Kon-Mala tonight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And yes, I proudly say that I put MY people first. So any affirmative action program that does not prioritize ADOS Black Americans and instead benefits white women, immigrants, LGBTQ, and other “minorities” isn’t one that I support.

So I guess you must not support the 1964 Civil Rights Act as well... which, although designed initially to benefit only blacks, was amended, prior to passage, to also protect women. :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How does msnbc have undecided voters on? Who the fuck is undecided?!?!?? I’d clown the fuck out these people if I was an anchor. “Excuse me but are you a fucking brain dead moron or a racist? Which is it? You only have two options if you’re undecided “

It's the focus group click....I am going to assume they are getting paid anywhere between $300 -$700 just to be on air..maybe more....People will say they undecided to get a check.....

That focus group money is REAL....


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
How does msnbc have undecided voters on? Who the fuck is undecided?!?!?? I’d clown the fuck out these people if I was an anchor. “Excuse me but are you a fucking brain dead moron or a racist? Which is it? You only have two options if you’re undecided “
An undecided voter is just someone who is embarrassed to say they support Trump.