Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
So are you against affirmative action or not?

I guess you didn’t read my post above, or you’re willfully ignoring it. I put MY people first. So any affirmative action program that does not prioritize ADOS Black Americans and instead benefits white women, immigrants, LGBTQ, and other “minorities” isn’t one that I support. If it prioritizes US, meaning ADOS Black Americans, then I support it.

So I guess you must not support the 1964 Civil Rights Act as well... which, although designed initially to benefit only blacks, was amended, prior to passage, to also protect women. :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

Actually, I don’t support that aspect of the Civil Rights Act, because it was used by white feminists to usurp civil rights gains and protections meant for Black people. Hence the consequent affirmative action problem I discuss above.

I guess he would also be against abolishing slavery because blacks were not the only ones affected by it

And this is where you display your abject ignorance! For you to say this means you truly have no understanding of the history of American chattel slavery and who it was used against! Your dumb tethering faggot ass ought to be banned from the board for this idiotic statement! smgdh


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I guess you didn’t read my post above, or you’re willfully ignoring it. I put MY people first. So any affirmative action program that does not prioritize ADOS Black Americans and instead benefits white women, immigrants, LGBTQ, and other “minorities” isn’t one that I support. If it prioritizes US, meaning ADOS Black Americans, then I support it.

Actually, I don’t support that aspect of the Civil Rights Act, because it was used by white feminists to usurp civil rights gains and protections meant for Black people. Hence the consequent affirmative action problem I discuss above.

And this is where you display your abject ignorance! For you to say this means you truly have no understanding of the history of American chattel slavery and who it was used against! Your dumb tethering faggot ass ought to be banned from the board for this idiotic statement! smgdh
You still have not answered the question.