Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

White people are so fucking blinded by racism, they believe Trump's words over the actual laws. Nancy Pelosi can't override the President's call for the National Guard in DC. The video where she blames herself for this isn't an admission of guilt, it's her being angry at herself for not trusting her instinct that a fucking idiot, dictator wannabe, would actually do something so ridiculous like sending his rabid supporters to the capital. I explained it to someone with, "If you give your 6 year old a two scoop ice cream cone to eat in the car, you just know in your heart that it's going to be all over the backseat by the time you get home...but you just think to yourself, "maybe it'll be fine"".


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Funny how every single channel has the same talking points about getting under Trump's skin. Word for word it's like they are all part of the same group chat.

That's cause that's what the Harris campaign said was going to be the game plan for the debate. Get under his skin and bait him so he acts a fool.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

It's not that he was unprepared, it's that he has not control. NFL coaching staffs spend all week figuring out how to attack and defend against another team. When a game ends in a blowout, it means that one team made and stuck to their plan, and the other team just couldn't keep it together.
“Everyone has a plan: until they get punched in the face” – Mike Tyson


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny how every single channel has the same talking points about getting under Trump's skin. Word for word it's like they are all part of the same group chat.
Wasn't it really obvious though? He started off chill, and after that crowd size comment, he threw away any plan he may have had.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember Boehner was saying that crap and i'm like...Ya'll have no plan that is better than this. Matter of fact, yall have no plan at all and this many years later...STILL no plan. :smh:
THIS. It's been over a decade now, and the best Republicans can come up with is "concepts of a plan"? I could have a better plan by now, if I so desired. I could have actually gone to school, learned about economics and social services, graduated, and still had a few years free to research and cultivate a working plan. They still have nothing.

And Trump's biggest defense before is gone, because he has been in office. So his old excuse of not knowing the system shouldn't work anymore (not that it did before).


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster