Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
They will be quiet and will continue to be hypocrites. It's clear who had plans for the country and who did not!

But let's be real here. They're not going to vote for Harris because 1) she's a woman and 2) she's a black woman.

Yep! That's it. We have some black men, some black maga men and that's how they role.

Hold the sister up to 1000% scrutiny and accountability and their white savoir to 0%
That's not true at all Trump's growing black support comes from black people that realize it's a separation of class and the Democrats don't got young you not on that level. Modern day classism disguised by racial viewpoints but don't actually benefit the person. Most black Trumpers will tell you something similar to this peep video in your time or while cleaning up the house on the weekend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

I had one student tell me today she thought Kamala eyes were soulless and that she’s the antischrist.

And I would like


Folks get there information from some odd places.