Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I swear the clowns on here that claims to be the most Pro black are on here constantly using talking points and claiming groups that are amazingly anti black. Been like that for years and these dummies think we don't see it.

@Dr. Truth put out a list some time ago

once I hit ignore on all those names this thread became easy sailing



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: :roflmao: :roflmao3: :roflmao: :lol:

That's what happens when using goofy ass conspiracy theories to defend a 34-COUNT FELON'S TURD of a debate performance. They get caught up.
I don't respond negatively to many people on here cause that's just not my vibe - prefer face to face smoke rather than a keyboard, but from time to time, I do find myself responding to that nigga and the other dumb ass nigga that hates Black women... Both them niggas are deplorable, both claim they went to HBCUs, both claim to be critical thinkers, both constantly provide very weak talking points to their argument, but at least one is open about his love for trump while the other hides his love for trump under the guise of repeating crackkka talking points in the name of "both sides"...


Rising Star
JD Vance responds to Taylor Swift, flunks test of self-awareness

We admire Taylor Swift’s music, but I don’t think most Americans, whether they like her music, are fans of hers or not, are going to be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests and the problems of most Americans.”

By Steve Benen
September 12, 2024


Escape from reality but have to go back to reality essentially. This can apply to literally any form of entertainment.

I think if trump and Vance still with thing fear mongering and target the lower class they'll probably win. They're gonna have more black support than any other president probably 17% and up and that should do it with a sure 40% Hispanic vote.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Again your age isn't the issue, the problem is I expect more from an elder. My mistake..again maybe it's senility but I've never associated myself with any group so you're mistaken.

Once again. You on here saying that Black reparations is important to you BUT you CHOOSE to associate with a group of people that have outright said that reparations isnt important but M4A and college debt was.

So really you're just on here talking shit but your actions say something completely different. You simple ass just didn't think anyone would see that you just want to be contrary.


Rising Star
Why do you think people that are in a Black fraternity or sorority are in some "elite" class of Black people?

Is your pov based on the experience you've had with someone that is a member of a fraternity or sorority?

What's your opinion on the community driven events most of those fraternities and sororities (undergrad & grad) hold for Black people, especially kids?
I'm a sense, yes at the end of the day it's just leads to class separation of ineas wrong you wouldn't see a growing number of black folks going against the grain. Truth is alot of people aren't benefitting from the policies which leads to people asking questions.

I don't need to answer or address the rest. No need...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm a sense, yes at the end of the day it's just leads to class separation of ineas wrong you wouldn't see a growing number of black folks going against the grain. Truth is alot of people aren't benefitting from the policies which leads to people asking questions.

I don't need to answer or address the rest. No need...
Gah damn that was tough to read... Although you deflected and didn't answer any of those questions, I appreciate you keeping the response short...


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I'm a sense, yes at the end of the day it's just leads to class separation of ineas wrong you wouldn't see a growing number of black folks going against the grain. Truth is alot of people aren't benefitting from the policies which leads to people asking questions.

I don't need to answer or address the rest. No need...

I have to disagree with you on this. I know multiple people that are part of D9 organizations and non e of them feel seperated by class. Do they have pride in being part of their organizations....yep they do. However none of them look down on Black people and in fact go out of their way to help their fellow Black people.

To give a personal example. One of my friends is an AKA. WHen I told her I was taking my son on college tours and some of the colleges would be HBCUs she asked me for the dates and times I would be at the schools. She knew my son's major from us talking and she checked with her network to see if anyone could meet us at each school to talk to my son one on one about each school and for 2 of the colleges the person talking to my son was also in his same major.

Unfortunately a lot of Black people take someone being proud of their accomplishments as being stuck up or bougie. There's nothing wrong with having pride in what you accomplished.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Escape from reality but have to go back to reality essentially. This can apply to literally any form of entertainment.

I think if trump and Vance still with thing fear mongering and target the lower class they'll probably win. They're gonna have more black support than any other president probably 17% and up and that should do it with a sure 40% Hispanic vote.
That dude is a US Senator. Either he speaks money or there’s something wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You know what......fuck her.

She intentionally stayed quiet knowing that half her fans and her popularity came from racist MAGA assholes that thought she was one of them cause she's from Iowa.

I have no sympathy.
You know how inept white people are. It took video of an unarmed black person getting shot for white people to finally realize we weren't paranoid about rogue cops.