Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The media isn’t talking about it, but there is a good chance Harris will win a number of GOP controlled states that nobody expects her to win.

Utah is one. The Mormons hate Trump and do not like how Trump/MAGA treated Romney with death threats. They are not gung-ho with Project 2025 either. That state could swing towards Harris.

Texas could also go to Harris if the GOP electorate goes in and votes for her. Texas voter suppression laws/tactics are targeting Democratic voters, not GOP voters.

And Harris might pull some surprise states like Wyoming, Montana, Missouri, Arkansas and Idaho.

If she somehow manages to win either/both Mississippi/Alabama, that definitely would be a shock.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor

Russia already knows that Ukraine's government is nowhere near stable enough for NATO membership anytime in the next 20 years

Which BGOL member is this?

That's not how whistle blowing works!

Real whistleblowers hide their identity and send secret documents through The dark web. They don't stand out like a carnival barker yelling "hey everybody I'm about to announce a major presidential conspiracy. Sure hope no one kills me first."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Russia already knows that Ukraine's government is nowhere near stable enough for NATO membership anytime in the next 20 years

That's not how whistle blowing works!

Real whistleblowers hide their identity and send secret documents through The dark web. They don't stand out like a carnival barker yelling "hey everybody I'm about to announce a major presidential conspiracy. Sure hope no one kills me first."

Shiiiiiiiittttt. I came out in the public against my job, a govt agency. Within 2 months they suspended me on some lies. Attorney taught the suspension and won. Now mediation is set before our trial date.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Shiiiiiiiittttt. I came out in the public against my job, a govt agency. Within 2 months they suspended me on some lies. Attorney taught the suspension and won. Now mediation is set before our trial date.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your agency wasn't in charge of deciding who will run the most powerful country on Earth for the next 4 years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Which BGOL member is this?

Sounds sketchy. Above all else, why would Team Harris accept a list of questions knowing full well the history of something like that happening?

The only way I buy this is that if both teams received questions in advance (which honestly, I would not be surprised to find out is something done on the low for everyone).

That, along with claiming there was an "assurance" that fact checking would occur really makes it seem like a dream confirmation, which again, seems sketchy. But to be fair, if it were true, it still wouldn't negate the absolute trash performance that Trump had.