Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I’m really not a fan of her doing another debate! As I mentioned before there’s only so much more that she can improve on. However she could fuck up really bad and lose momentum going into November.

Trump is Trump! He can lie and say the craziest things like last time and hardly lose anything.
First of all, If Trump accepts to debate, he's not going to do it on CNN.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member

This bitch right here :smh: The fucking Jackson's as a whole are fucking weirdo's:thumbsdown: . Mike turned alopecia alien, and gave all his wealth to three adopted white kids. His brothers fucking the same women, and having kids with them. Everybody in that family has a fucked up nose job. The mother just lost the entire fucking catalogue to a white owned conglomerate. Janet and her arab baby, fucking ridiculous. Man get the fuck out of here with this self hatred bullshit.

How in the hell is she questioning someone's ancestry, when she hates Black dick, unless it's connected to a gnome named JD :lol:

I wish these entertainers would shut the fuck up and let me enjoy Rhythm Nation. Now I don't even want to hear that shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nick is starting to see. He has a problem with Trump saying Israel will be the greatest country in the world when he returns to power instead of America and how Trump didn't keep promises he made the first time.

You played yourself. Now are you going to vote for Harris?