Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The question is do you have the morals not to buy the dip?
i've made puts on it.
but its definitely not a stock i would buy at the moment. aint no way in hell it can get back to the levels that it was at before back in July.
Even if Trump won,....it may go back up some. But with the election still over a month away, this shit is likely to be a penny stock once he loses.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
i've made puts on it.
but its definitely not a stock i would buy at the moment. aint no way in hell it can get back to the levels that it was at before back in July.
Even if Trump won,....it may go back up some. But with the election still over a month away, this shit is likely to be a penny stock once he loses.
I’m talking about Deere.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

The federal government is not going to let that slide repeat the federal government is not going to let that slide even the Supreme Court (oh I know the Supreme Court is fucked up but….) they not going to let that slide. Trump do not have the backing of the US military…..trump and Republicans are playing an extremely dangerous game. People after that section is over they are going to lower the boom on Trump.
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Transnational Member
  • Short-term memory.
  • Keeping track of a purse or wallet.
  • Paying bills.
  • Planning and preparing meals.
  • Remembering appointments.
  • Traveling out of the neighborhood.
  • Selecting Vice Presidential/ Presidential candidate.
There are much better female candidates. The U.S. needs to come out of pocket and pay the money needed.

I believe the DNC is using this strategy to elevate a female President so that it is normalize. The NFL had the Rooney rule and now today there is 9 black NFL candidates. Opening up the primary process could allow a male candidate to win.


He may not be that senile, KH is not the best candidate by a long shot, but it could open the door for others down the road, especially white women. He is trying to make whole what he did to Tara Reade where he tried to mount her.



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Hilarious. I'm clowning you and you still don't see it.

Okay I'll say it slow since you need help with it.

I keep laughing at you about the tether comment because you and FBA bums constantly say it. It doesn't matter to me because it's made up. Really it's your version of anchor baby. So for me every time you call me a tether it reminds me that you're gargling Tariq's nuts.

So to be honest keep saying it because I get a nice laugh out of it every time.

Damn I never had to explain to someone why I'm laughing at them. Now I really do feel like I'm picking on a retarded kid.

So you're an anchor baby! Thanks for clarifying.