Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's downright shocking how painfully stupid some people really are.


We're living in an idiocracy and the internet (particularly social media) has poured ROCKET fuel on the ignorance.

People being programmed and don't realize it.....these tech companies have used behavioral scientists to build weapons through algorithms that know you better than you know yourself. They know all your weaknesses, biases, and what enrages you and they weaponize the shit against you.

Every time you log on to something you gonna get flooded with more negative slanted news which radicalize you if you have no idea what's happening.

combine that with general lack of education, lack of attention spans, lack of critical thinking skills. You have a populace that's easily manipulated and radicalized.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

We're living in an idiocracy and the internet (particularly social media) has poured ROCKET fuel on the ignorance.

People being programmed and don't realize it.....these tech companies have used behavioral scientists to build weapons through algorithms that know you better than you know yourself. They know all your weaknesses, biases, and what enrages you and they weaponize the shit against you.

Every time you log on to something you gonna get flooded with more negative slanted news which radicalize you if you have no idea what's happening.

combine that with general lack of education, lack of attention spans, lack of critical thinking skills. You have a populace that's easily manipulated and radicalized.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Fam! This isn’t hard to understand honestly.

It’s simple really!

They’re WHITE!

So Gods honest truth they’re default mode is because I’m WHITE, Trump will not do anything to “harm” me.

Therefore I feel SAFE making him King, Chancellor, Fuhrer!