UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Integrity to truth is such a vital component of leadership and I can’t even begin to imagine someone that’s POTUS.

What it means to your country and internationally is crucial.

This…….this…former POTUS…my goodness!

If he’s lying like this now? What happens if you give him a 2nd term and nothing to reign him in?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i fucking knew it

so the gubbment been knew. that's why he crashing out so bad.

Yup. Going down the rabbitt hole on twitter with those who hate Orange is very, very interesting(not that I believe alot of that stuff, but man it has you raising your eyebrows) lol......

They definitely know


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This was honestly a very good conversation. Whoever booked this was smart. Beyond campaigning, I think politicians should do more interviews like these. Meet people where they are. Be human. And use the platform to teach. I like when Matt Barnes asked how a bill was made. Some people don’t know— and if they can come away with a better understanding of how government works, that’s a win.
