Fam, do you attend Trump rallies or nah?
I will attend any rally that guarantees I would not be bullied into being medically raped..
To the point where I couldnt make a living and
See my dying aunt because . I refuse to be a labrat.
Fuck the donkey party for life bruh.
As the donkey party fades to shit.
My life is getting ever so bright..
To HELL with lawyers in politics they are all loyal to England and NOT America..
But most are too politically retarded to understand this
They the type that think Meagan the male horse shaking her balls on stage..
Is democratics proving they care about
Our struggle ..how could you even support the Hindu ho after that shit
The donkey party depends on politically retarded negros .
Say no to lawyers in the white house senate and house .
Say no to being medically raped
Say no to World War 3..
Say no to the donkey party...
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