Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Agree with this. Charlemagne goes whichever way the winds blow and he can be an agent of chaos. He just wants a reaction...one way or another. I'd almost rather she go on JBP. At least we know that QueenzFlip will ask a dumb ass question, Melissa will come in with great questions and Joe will be there talking in circles and will say he loves everyone at the end. This is STILL better than whatever Charlemagne will do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Sadly, this is the big delimma if you’re kin is a black Trump support.

How in the world do they think Trump and everything he’s says and stands for is going to make things better for us?

He goes after the Haitians(black), he goes after the Mexicans(dark skin) and then he stops there?

He’s not going after other black and brown?

You think someone like that has the impulse to just stop when he’s looking at someone else that’s not the same color as he is?


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
So I couldn't figure out why all the Trump supporters were so fixated on gayness on Friday.

I now know why.....
