Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Today Kamala Harris has released a SPECIFIC agenda targeted towards things Black men have said is wanted. So, where does the goal post move now to say well they haven’t said what they want to do for Black men???

The agenda includes:

- Pathways to High-Demand Jobs and Expanded Education Access
Harris’s agenda promotes education, training, and mentorship programs to equip Black men with the skills needed to succeed in high-demand fields. (These are for the ones who say focus on Black men who aren’t in college)

- To increase the representation of Black male teachers—a crucial role model for young Black students—Harris said she plans to invest in teacher training programs through the Department of Education.

- Health equity remains a cornerstone of Harris’s agenda. She has introduced a National Health Equity Initiative focused on Black men, which would address high rates of chronic diseases like diabetes, prostate cancer, and sickle cell disease.

- The vice president also has committed to legalizing recreational marijuana at the federal level, which she argues will reduce incarceration rates for Black men and create economic opportunities in the emerging cannabis industry.

- Harris further proposes building three million affordable housing units during her first term to address the housing crisis. She would offer up to $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers, aiming to triple the number of new Black homeowners annually by the end of her term.

- Still, another facet of her plan would tackle racial bias in home appraisals, a pervasive issue that often results in undervalued properties in majority-Black neighborhoods.

- Harris’s economic plan centers on wealth-building and supporting Black entrepreneurship. Her administration would provide one million forgivable loans, each up to $20,000, to help Black men and others who have faced significant barriers to starting a business.

#FBA #ADOS #BlackAmericans #BlackElite

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Question - were the coons this bad during the 2016 and 2020 elections on this board? I wasn't as active back then because of other obligations outside of my 9-5 and part time job, but my ignore list has grown expotentially in the last few months....
Yes but it’s slightly worse now. You have some posters that went full Maga who weren’t like this before .


Rising Star
Question - were the coons this bad during the 2016 and 2020 elections on this board? I wasn't as active back then because of other obligations outside of my 9-5 and part time job, but my ignore list has grown expotentially in the last few months....

When you hear/read about magat operatives trying to dissuade people from voting blue, illegitimately trashing Kamala Harris, propping up poll numbers to imply tRump is running away with the election...well, the assholes you see here are evidence of just that.

NOBODY works as hard as they do if they are casual visitors of this forum.

Seriously... who would visit the SAME forum, MANY times per day, posting shit that NOBODY but (insert asshole name here) and 2-3 other ass wipes hit the "like" button for...why would they do that just because they have an opinion?

They are trying to undermine democratic efforts. Full stop.

I usually lurk, but am here far more frequently, just to counter the bullshit. You never know...some 19 yr old might not vote because of the bullshit these assholes are slinging.

When the election if over... I will be a lurker once more. Hell, I might even make a contribution, but not while the owners of the forum allow nazi rhetoric.

I just ain;t cut that way.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you hear/read about magat operatives trying to dissuade people from voting blue, illegitimately trashing Kamala Harris, propping up poll numbers to imply tRump is running away with the election...well, the assholes you see here are evidence of just that.

NOBODY works as hard as they do if they are casual visitors of this forum.

Seriously... who would visit the SAME forum, MANY times per day, posting shit that NOBODY but (insert asshole name here) and 2-3 other ass wipes hit the "like" button for...why would they do that just because they have an opinion?

They are trying to undermine democratic efforts. Full stop.

I usually lurk, but am here far more frequently, just to counter the bullshit. You never know...some 19 yr old might not vote because of the bullshit these assholes are slinging.

When the election if over... I will be a lurker once more. Hell, I might even make a contribution, but not while the owners of the forum allow nazi rhetoric.

I just ain;t cut that way.


Yup and I have to always remind myself that social media and twitter is like a tiny micro-sphere of the world. I am the only person in my circle of friends that's on twitter and I had two other homeboys who use to be on this board, but no longer are members....

Like I've been asking some of my boys if they know who Tariq is or such and such and every last one has looked at me like WTF is that? LOL


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

My earlier post

It should be asked to black Thrump supporters:

I have a question for all the coons who want to support and vote for Trump

Would you vote for David Duke as president? If you said no, then I ask, would you vote for David Duke, son daughter or grandchildren and if you still said no…..

Then why would you vote for Trump? Who is the son of a KKK grand wizard


Rising Star
Yup and I have to always remind myself that social media and twitter is like a tiny micro-sphere of the world. I am the only person in my circle of friends that's on twitter and I had two other homeboys who use to be on this board, but no longer are members....

Like I've been asking some of my boys if they know who Tariq is or such and such and every last one has looked at me like WTF is that? LOL


I will preface this by saying I have a LOT of issues with Obama's presidency....


That said, regarding Cornel, I have never heard that snaggle toothed, never met a comb he liked nigga say ANYTHING positive about ANY Black presidential candidate.

I could be wrong, but he needs to sit his rhyming, shuckin' jivin' ass the fuck down somewhere.



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
West. I viewed him as a black scholar and someone I could get behind. But once I started seeing how he moves along with his rhetoric (especially during Obama’s years), I lost a lot of respect for him. Nig always got smoke for black politicians but soft on white ones.
Bingo he rarely say anything about Trump, but he had all the smoke for Obama that should have told a lot of people everything.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My favorite part of the interview: something that will rarely get mentioned is when she said we should stop looking at Africa as aid and start looking at them as a partner.

As someone who just recently visited Dakar, I can say I see a lot of potential for something positive to happen.