Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
no, you need basic rights in order to get power. as i said before, shaming ain't going to work anymore anyways so this is a moot argument.
No argument here. It's just that your statements were that shame was one of three ways to obtain power and that the civil rights movement was an example of it. There was no actual power gained. Only basic rights.
But you're right: Arguing over it is pointless now.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
NC is funny, Cacs voted for trump the last two elections and voted for Roy Cooper (D) too. My guess is they will vote for a crazy person on the national level, but not for Governor because they don't want NC to turn into a crazy state like Florida did with Desantis.

Right. NC ain’t trying to be Florida.

They know they benefited with Cooper in office. That’s why they didn’t turn their back on him. And honestly, the Republicans aren’t running a good candidate this time around either, so it could be another Dem as governor.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the entire civil rights era. for the first time, america's racism was televised for the world. america couldn't afford to play world leader and treat their own people like shit. MLK and others getting beatened with stand ins, marches, and other public displays was used as a shame tactic. That was the main catalyst. I spoke at length with both grandparents and their friends, and they said this was the objective.
you think MLK got power from that...so what happened to this powerful man??

you think the south africans had the power of shame to stop apartheid...what happened after they got this power??


waking people up
BGOL Investor
you think MLK got power from that...so what happened to this powerful man??

you think the south africans had the power of shame to stop apartheid...what happened after they got this power??
no, black people got access to power in that we were finally given the same opportunities afforded whites....on paper.

but why are you arguing this? this is off -topic and nothing to do with needing to use leverage. if anything, you are arguing my point, shame doesn't work so we must use leverage.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Can Trump “renig” on Vance or is he stuck with him?

We have to think if they can get away from him as a real possibility.
He is basically stuck with him because no moderate Republican is going to go nowhere near Trump, especially with Kamala in the race. Remember Trump’s need a moderating VP to have a slight chance and that’s going to be tough at this stage of the game. Biden walking away from this campaign was very masterful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Senator, combat veteran, astronaut and for gun control because its affected him personally.

Dude would be perfect.

Yeah that was my initial reaction...on paper he's the perfect candidate. I just worry about losing that Senate seat and will it be replaced in a special election with a Republican candidate

Also the fact he's a short funny looking dude is a factor with a large part of the electorate....it's stupid but we're in a time where image is everything...

some intangible factors gotta be considered...Shit like telegenic qualities, chemistry with Kamala, relatability on a National stage. Does he have the kind of charisma to draw enough people in? or will he be another Tim Kaine as I've heard some suggest


waking people up
BGOL Investor
He is basically stuck with him because no moderate Republican is going to go nowhere near Trump, especially with Kamala in the race. Remember Trump’s need a moderating VP to have a slight chance and that’s going to be tough at this stage of the game. Biden walking away from this campaign was very masterful.
masterful? lol he was going to need a moderate vp regardless. old white dude aint no master genius.



El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Yeah that was my initial reaction...on paper he's the perfect candidate. I just worry about losing that Senate seat and will it be replaced in a special election with a Republican candidate

Also the fact he's a short funny looking dude is a factor with a large part of the electorate....it's stupid but we're in a time where image is everything...

some intangible factors gotta be considered...Shit like telegenic qualities, chemistry with Kamala, relatability on a National stage. Does he have the kind of charisma to draw enough people in? or will he be another Tim Kaine as I've heard some suggest
Dem governor will appoint a Dem senator to finish his term. The Arizona Senator election would be in 2 years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That serves no purpose if I want black people to grow and stand up for themselves and demand more from their politicians. im tired of us eating shit.

if you don't want to do it cause you're scared, i'm going to rub your face in the dumb shit, logical fallacies and reaches that are made to continue to accept bullshit, knowing damn well they don't give a shit about you. and yet they still waste their vote to help other folks BUT black people. I'm going to break that slave mind that is controlled by them.

There are 3 ways to obtain power - war, shame, and leverage. war is impossible, shame hasnt work since the 60s, and we are too scared to do leverage because they successfully make a boogeyman for one election and make it a must case to vote. every fucking time is a must case so we never afford to use our true power to withhold our vote until we get what we want. same bullshit play, and we fucking fall for it every time.

if every black person stopped working for one day in ths country, the country would collapse. thats how much power we have, and we waste it for empty promises, look into committies that have been around since the 70s, and imagery of a white person kissing our babies and tossing some fried chicken with us while getting a rapper onboard. tired of this shit

No! Peddle to your base….we have no change for you here!

You’re not our saviour you arrogant pompous ass!

Straight up MAGA position of self importance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No argument here. It's just that your statements were that shame was one of three ways to obtain power and that the civil rights movement was an example of it. There was no actual power gained. Only basic rights.
But you're right: Arguing over it is pointless now.
saying shame is a power tactic is ridiculous. I read a fictional story that was basically a alternate history what if. It was WHAT IF THE NAZIS WON WW2 AND TOOK OVER INDIA.

The story is told from Gandhi's POV and it opens with the Nazis officially taking over India and flying the swastikas' over it. Gandhi strategizes that the Indians will do to them what they did with the British which was civil disobedience. Because they SHAMED the British out of their country doing that.

So the first time a few dozen Indians led by Gandhi refused an order by a nazi officer... The officer didn't order his soldiers to beat the protesters....the nazis just opened fire and mass shot all the protesters in broad daylight. Gandhi barely escaped alive. He was shocked that the nazis would do such a thing. He hadnt considered that they might not see the Indians as human to them. Because in order to shame someone, that person or people would have to have some level of empathy and decency in some way to realize what they're doing is wrong. And the nazis didnt.

Long story short.... they eventually captured Gandhi and he was brought to the office of the commandant and he told the commandant that the Indian people will never quit and always resist and officer was like yeah sure whatever. Then they took Gandhi out of his office...to the back of the building and put two bullets in his head.

As the commandant was doing paperwork, an underling came to his desk and said that Indian railway workers from a village were refusing to go to work. The commandant gave an order that said make a list of all the people in that village who are protesting. Every 10th person on the list..go to their house and pull out into the street and execute them in front of everyone. Then tell them all that this will continue until there is NO ONE LEFT to go to work. Then he went back to his paperwork. THE END

Thats why shaming isnt a way to power. It requires the other side to be willing to meet you at least some part of the way. And even then they arent giving up TRUE power as you stated.
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waking people up
BGOL Investor
No! Peddle to your base….we have no change for you here!

You’re not our saviour you arrogant pompous ass!

Straight up MAGA position of self importance.

I never claimed to be a savior, WTH. You're too slave minded to believe in any other but the one the white man gave you anyway.

And here we go with the MAGA bullshit. Anything against opening your eyes to the truth or their agenda, then you're automatically MAGA, because it's the boogeyman. you didn't read a damn word of what I said.

sigh. just damn dumb


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
no, black people got access to power in that we were finally given the same opportunities afforded whites....on paper.

but why are you arguing this? this is off -topic and nothing to do with needing to use leverage. if anything, you are arguing my point, shame doesn't work so we must use leverage.
the reality is war is the only real way to power..everything else is piecemeal negotiating for small pieces of things they were willing to give up in the first place so long as the dynamic remains the same.
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I recently earned the right to vote and was going to celebrate by casting a ballot for biden.

But after seeing the Democrat party's disgraceful behavior I will not vote in this or any future presidential election.

There is nothing disgraceful about it. Any democrat who wants to be considered for dem POTUS has to get 300 delegates across multiple states to support them in order to appear on the DNC ballot. Time is short because they have to get the virtual roll call done to meet Ohio's deadline, but they can file by July27 and then they have to meet the rest of the requirements:

Kamala has enough pledged delegates to win, and it's unlikely anyone else would have the name recognition, war chest or infrastructure to pull off the ground game needed to win, but the opportunity is there. Kamala is the only one who can take over the money that had been donated to Biden.