Video Shows NY Officer Fatally Shooting 13-Year-Old On Ground. Police Say He Pointed A Replica Gun


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The teen was killed late Friday in Utica after officers in the city about 240 miles (400 kilometers) northwest of Manhattan stopped two youths a little after 10 p.m. for an unspecified “police investigation,” Utica Police Chief Mark Williams said.

definition of profiling in Websters


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fucking 13?!
God damn it’s about to be some rioting in NY​
No,I doubt it because for one he was Asian and two the city,the police and the boys family are already meeting about the situation and that might be away to keep down the protest and such.

Utica is poor,majority white but they have others there....they might protest but I doubt they riot cause ain't shit there to riot cause if someone tossed a match it'll burn down several blocks of raggedy houses that are barely holding up


Rising Star
Didn't see the body cam footage on the original link. Was able to find it on YouTube. I'm not familiar with NY or how law enforcement operate that way. Is it normal for cops to stop folks for riding a bicycle in the street?


Tom Slick

The Black HHH
BGOL Investor
Bitch police are quick to release a video when they think they're in the right. Bruh who got his money stolen by the cop had to wait 3-4 months before the pigs were forced to release the video.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fucking 13?!
God damn it’s about to be some rioting in NY​
From looking at this shooting video cam, it will be justified shooting. In that split second the fake gun was pulled out, you either identify the gun was fake or not.

For many that would result in pulling the trigger. From that video it will be difficult to charge the cop.

Hate to see a young man die for this :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bitch police are quick to release a video when they think they're in the right. Bruh who got his money stolen by the cop had to wait 3-4 months before the pigs were forced to release the video.
Besides the videos that the public know nothing about. In the Mike Brown case the police rushed in and start taking down security cameras and people cell phones. Movies have never shown such cover ups even though they happen