Virginia City, Nevada.. you should be ashamed.


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Would it be coonish of me to sell racist memorabilia? I mean if someone is making money off noose pins it would be ironically poetic if they were black. IJS lol

I mean it's like crack for white people. I don't think it would be morally wrong but I'll take the thoughts from the black delegation. lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I always got a full clip of jokes for racist white people situations. I would have been clowning them until they wanted to fight me.

GTFOH you soggy CRACKA!!!
Go catch some sunburn toe-head
I was registering people to vote but you clearly have special needs who helps you put on your pants jethro.
Obama Obama Obama (just saying Obama's name is like holy water to racists) they immediately kirk out.

The only reason racism triggers us is because we allow it. If they literally have no power over me then I'm gonna make them wish they didn't speak. Demonstrating my intellectual superiority through my vocabulary and wit brings a smile to my face. lol I relish the opportunity.


BGOL Legend
trump got these idiots out here thinking you can do and say anything racist, but it don't quite work that way. I love it when these cracKKKas get made examples of.

Fuck all racist pos cracKKKas!