Warner Bros Nears Deal for a New Harry Potter Television Series


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
JKR need to go ahead and put out the Marauders. Make sure they get a powerhouse director and she back in top.

As a true potter head I will watch the show.
Those trans tears must taste like butter beer, Because WB is going back for another glass…I’m here for it :yes:

Yall predicted the sh*t exactly



Mr. Pool

This is going to do numbers, Twitter doesn't represent the real world and no one gives a shit about JKs terf stance against trans people(not to mention most agree with her)

HBO is on a roll with their shows.

Also anyone who says the movies are perfect is definitely a non reading mother fucker lol there's definitely room for a more accurate and expanded Harry Potter adaptation. Fan favorite Characters that were largely ignored in the movies due to time limitations can now get explored, the classes and storylines that couldn't make it in a 2 hr movie will fill it out nicely. The most controversial part will be casting(black Hermione ect)