doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Send his disrespectful ass to North Korea for a year.

He'll come back a change child, if he makes it back.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All them little fucks would be missing teeth . As soon as I walk into the room half the class would start peeing themselfs . My son tried talking back to a teacher when he was in the fifth grade ...showed up, checked him out , walked him exatly 2000ft from school property and let the belt do the talking .

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
times have changed, my old principle was a que and walked around with a paddle. Mofo gave wood on the spot. Have you in the cut like you on line
I'm old enough to remember those days.

Elementary school getting knuckles cracked with 5 rulers wrapped together with rubber-bands.

Middle school was the paddle. This was the Philadelphia school system in the 80's.

Times sure have changed!


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
I'm old enough to remember those days.

Elementary school getting knuckles cracked with 5 rulers wrapped together with rubber-bands.

Middle school was the paddle. This was the Philadelphia school system in the 80's.

Times sure have changed!
That's why our generation has common sense, respect and discipline something that is lost now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The same people paying respects at that teacher that killed herself, are the same ones that be the cause of her taking her life!!!

You have some SHYT teachers, but these parents are GARBAGE!!! Parents get mad when you call them on their kids behavior, but then get mad when you discipline their child?!?!? Make that make sense!

I remember PLAYFULLY fighting with my high school history teacher and took it a little too far. That old bastard showed me what old man strength was and to add insult to injury made me call him uncle (Uncle Johnson no joke is what he made me call him) afterwards.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Send his disrespectful ass to North Korea for a year.

He'll come back a change child, if he makes it back.


S. Korea ain't shit...takes all cues from u.s. bitch ass-ness.. A yr in NK would have these lil spoiled mf'erz scared str8/ptsd-ed into life-long righteousness... Lil homies' cuz Ahm Fukd in NK takin his 5min no-lunch break...during his 12hr day..during his 7 day wk/wk.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
times have changed, my old principle was a que and walked around with a paddle. Mofo gave wood on the spot. Have you in the cut like you on line

I'm old enough to remember those days.

Elementary school getting knuckles cracked with 5 rulers wrapped together with rubber-bands.

Middle school was the paddle. This was the Philadelphia school system in the 80's.

Times sure have changed!

Let me throw this out here because I also was subjected to in-school corporal punishment but the difference is that I'm relatively young (late 30s) and was in school from the late 80s to the early 2000s, a time when most schools had long stopped using corporal punishment. So you can take my experiences as examples as to what happens when you apply old-school discipline to older millennial kids. (roughly kids born between 1981-1990)

When I was in school I would see misbehaving kids get 5 to 10 times with a paddle being swung hard by a 6-5, 270lb man and those motherfuckers would continue to act up and eventually the paddling would lead to suspensions and expulsions, and collective class time being taken up.

No amount of paddling will straighten an extremely bad kid out, even the threat and usage of collective punishment, in which the kids who behaved still had to be subject to discipline which I experienced regularly and only served to kill classroom morale and cause fights as well behaved kids got angry that they got paddled for things they didn't do.

Discipline is necessary and when done correctly, corporal punishment can be extremely effective for some kids but some kids can't be saved and quite honestly some kids weren't afraid of the shit or even phased by it.

Funny thing, what seemed to eventually work once I got out of school, was imposing fines ($30, $50, $100+) for bad behavior. Hitting working and middle class parents in the pocketbook started forcing these parents to do the heavy lifting and behavior improved substantially.