WE CAN'T HAVE SHIT!!! This is America: (White) Woman Edition


Rising Star


*two cents*

Having a white women as the face 'This is America': Women's Edition is like being brought into to H.R. for an 8 hour cultural sensitive training seminar that is being conducted by David Duke!

"No shit bird...we are in this class for different reasons. You're here- and hosting it???- because your ass needs it. I'm here because I have to deal with your ass!"

*two cents*
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Who gives a fuck!!!! We are so concerned about CACs taking shit like this. It's a song!

Let's worry about more important shit like investing and owning businesses. This shit is petty.

Fuck 'em. That shit is corny and whack as usual. Movin' on.....
Who gives a fuck!!!! We are so concerned about CACs taking shit like this. It's a song!

Let's worry about more important shit like investing and owning businesses. This shit is petty.

Fuck 'em. That shit is corny and whack as usual. Movin' on.....

Right on!!

The entertainment industry luvs fucking with our emotions!! So, stop giving these bloodsuckers our energy and unplug from their bullshit!! And do our own damn thing!!
Who gives a fuck!!!! We are so concerned about CACs taking shit like this. It's a song!

Let's worry about more important shit like investing and owning businesses. This shit is petty.

Fuck 'em. That shit is corny and whack as usual. Movin' on.....

Right on!!

The entertainment industry luvs fucking with our emotions!! So, stop giving these bloodsuckers our energy and unplug from their bullshit!! And do our own damn thing!!

In most cases I would agree with you both. But this isn't hammer pants, the running man, or the term 'bling bling'...

I think why this video pissed me off personally is because - to me- it's another situation where white women see a cause or inertia they can hitch their wagon to and distort the narrative for their own benefits.

All the while calling the cops on us cause we're caught outside... BEING BLACK.

"Carry my water ni66ers"- White women.

*two cents*
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I swear I wish he would sue the shit out of her. To take a message and utilize it for your YouTube likes is so disrespectful.
Its bad enough to parody something so relevant and consciously significant to the black community, but its a damn slap in the face that she has none of the talent to make a decent parody...

Theres no double meanings, no symbolism none of the fitness of the original and then to mock the dancing and bastardize the imagery.....

This shit is hot garbage and she better hope she doesn't get dragged on Black twitter... Cuz disabling the comments only goes so far. Amd she already had some questionable videos in the past.
Who gives a fuck!!!! We are so concerned about CACs taking shit like this. It's a song!

Let's worry about more important shit like investing and owning businesses. This shit is petty.

Fuck 'em. That shit is corny and whack as usual. Movin' on.....

Agree. Why should anybody worry about what Blow Jangles is doing....
Just more shit happening in the background.