What $90,000 gets you in Thailand


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
nice but very small rooms. Be OK for one person, mebbe two, not a family home.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nice but is it earthquake and water proof cause over in them countries they be having shit happen.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
No thanks. I don't want a bunch of lady boys running up talmbout

"You gonna fuck on meee!"


Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Dr Fake Doctor ready to go to Thailand on some pedo shit. He’s always getting rejected by the men he tries to get in bed so he’s hoping to get lucky on the Epstein thing.


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
If I suddenly find myself alone as I near full retirement I might actually do it. I enjoyed my trips to Thailand with family. Didn’t get a real chance at the nightlife.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There was a CAC at my job who retired and moved there. I see him on facebook a lot. Seems like he's enjoying it.


International Member
i dont think you can legally own anything there if you not a citizen you gotta marry and put it her name and hope she dont fuck over you
Your right on that. Foreigners cannot purchase property in Thailand from my understanding. That's when your newly acquired Thai wife signs the paperwork in her name and promptly moves the entire family and half her mother village in to the property. And you are expected to maintain, feed and provide for them all for ever more!

You may not have had a sex change but you sure are their bitch now!