What a redneck looks like when flabbergasted
K KoolJay Vidi Veni Vici BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #3 These Cracker Azz Crackers think they know EVERYTHING!!!!!! He has the DUMBEST look on his face. LOL
0utsyder Rising Star BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #4 That was almost hard to watch... ALMOST!! Mouth wide open, just cause I had to do it, must mean that it is law
That was almost hard to watch... ALMOST!! Mouth wide open, just cause I had to do it, must mean that it is law
the artist Same shit, different day BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #5 OP said Flabbergasted I haven't heard that word in forever.
Mentor B "All literature is protest." Registered Dec 16, 2018 #6 That motherfucker was dumbfounded. Goofy ass idiotic bird brain.
godofwine Supreme Porn Poster - Ret BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #8 "I've done it, that's the only way to do it" But that look on his face was priceless
Coldchi Rising Star BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #9 His clap back was pathetic..... "Merry Christmas Jake"
34real Rising Star Registered Dec 16, 2018 #10 Typical white person,what they were taught and believe overrides facts and what is the truth.
jagu Rising Star Platinum Member Dec 16, 2018 #11 Typical slack jawed, low brow , dim witted yahoo. There are more of them than not.
cashwhisperer You are brainwashed. BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #15 Bury1 said: Sheet, I was worried he was having a stroke.. Click to expand... worried? nigga I was hoping like it was 2008
Bury1 said: Sheet, I was worried he was having a stroke.. Click to expand... worried? nigga I was hoping like it was 2008
Bury1 Rising Star BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #16 cashwhisperer said: worried? nigga I was hoping like it was 2008 Click to expand...
LSN Phat booty lover. BGOL Investor Dec 16, 2018 #18 this was posted a while back...I absolutely remember that dumb ass fucking look on his face lmao