What Does The Electoral College Do??

Fright Night

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It seems we pick the Electoral College and they in turn pick who they want.

I think some people like checking a box and getting a sticker simply because it makes them feel good.

They have no idea there is a middle man!!

I'm just trying to find the flaw in my logic

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It seems we pick the Electoral College and they in turn pick who they want.

I think some people like checking a box and getting a sticker simply because it makes them feel good.

They have no idea there is a middle man!!

I'm just trying to find the flaw in my logic
The Electoral college is only for the Pres. What state are you in?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Simply a tool...in the elaborate scam to convince the masses that they actually have some say so..in who is just a figure head for the elite.


Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm on the NC SC line work in one live in the other.

What u mean they are only for the President?
Voting for a Senator, your Rep in Congress, your Gov, AG and Lt.Gov is won by the Popular vote amongst the people who actually voted. While the Pres wins the popular vote with the people who actually voted, in NC they get 16 and in SC 9.

The key for any Pres. Candidate is be most popular person with the people who actually voted in the most populated states.

Example : Say NC got 100K people and 16 electoral votes and SC got 50k people and 9 EV.

In NC just 10 people voted and 6 voted for you, you get 16 electoral votes

In SC 10K people voted and 6 people voted for you and your opponent got those 9 EV for winning

You end up winning the whole thing because you got 16 EV and your opponent got 9 EV.

That's how it works.

Fright Night

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I kinda get what you're saying. I made this thread cause it shouldn't be so complicated. People cast their vote for the president and think that's all to it

Let's make a scenario: if there is a state with 100k pple. 60% vote Obama and 40% Bush.

That state has 9 Electoral College memebers. How do they play into the scheme of things? Thx!

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I kinda get what you're saying. I made this thread cause it shouldn't be so complicated. People cast their vote for the president and think that's all to it

Let's make a scenario: if there is a state with 100k pple. 60% vote Obama and 40% Bush.

That state has 9 Electoral College memebers. How do they play into the scheme of things? Thx!
All 9 go to Obama Winner take all.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All votes go to the 9. Then they pick who they want. Which may not coincide with the popular vote.

Is this possible?
Who is they? If you're saying the electors. The Electors(in a Majority of States) in that state have to go to the winner of that states popular vote.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The electors install the president, not the voters. The voters install the electors. Anybody ever met their elector? Its really just a slight of hand shit show. The stated reason for this electoral college is to keep large states with bigger populations from deciding the election but that really makes no sense. (because that's exactly what happens) The real reason is the so called founding fathers simply didn't trust the ignorant masses with the power to choose the chief executive.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The electors install the president, not the voters. The voters install the electors. Anybody ever met their elector? Its really just a slight of hand shit show. The stated reason for this electoral college is to keep large states with bigger populations from deciding the election but that really makes no sense. (because that's exactly what happens) The real reason is the so called founding fathers simply didn't trust the ignorant masses with the power to choose the chief executive.
I wonder how it would look if everyone actually voted. Including former felons.

Fright Night

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The electors install the president, not the voters. The voters install the electors. Anybody ever met their elector? Its really just a slight of hand shit show. The stated reason for this electoral college is to keep large states with bigger populations from deciding the election but that really makes no sense. (because that's exactly what happens) The real reason is the so called founding fathers simply didn't trust the ignorant masses with the power to choose the chief executive.

This is exactly my point!!


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
You do realize that the electoral college is another slavery based law.

Amerikkka's racists roots alive and well
i hate niggas like you. i mean, you come into a thread and spout some shit bu thave nothing to contribute. Let's assume you right? what the fuck else are you gonna do and can do? Just yapping about shit is racist don't change shit about the reality of the world we got to live in. either you make shit better for you and the next generation or you just spout useless shit online. This whole damn country was primary based off slavery yet some how, some way, we continue to grind it out and have made shit work for us and will continue to make it work depite this country history. Next time you post, add something to the discourse and stop your bullshitpost.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
The electors install the president, not the voters. The voters install the electors. Anybody ever met their elector? Its really just a slight of hand shit show. The stated reason for this electoral college is to keep large states with bigger populations from deciding the election but that really makes no sense. (because that's exactly what happens) The real reason is the so called founding fathers simply didn't trust the ignorant masses with the power to choose the chief executive.

All mostly correct.

Like many laws in this country, it was a concession to the slave states, not something the FF came up with. And of course, the problem is the states get to choose how they distribute their electoral vote(r)s. As we see now in Oklahoma I think, or maybe Ohio? Arkansas? Anyway, the state legislature voted in a law that basically said if they don't like how the people vote they can throw out the results and choose their own electors. Ain't that some shit. I think the law is under challenge but I could be wrong.

That is one reason why it's important to vote in local elections and to make sure you're registered to vote. These cocksuckers are going to try like hell to steal this election from Kamala.


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
Unpopular Opinion, I believe the electorial college is a great idea. Some random jackoff off the street shouldnt decide who leads the most powerful country on earth. This system allows people from less populated states have a say in their Government. We all know how Democrats literally flood the country with undocumented immigrants and register them to vote.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Just damn. :eek2:

Right. Just like "fuck your vote."

And notice how little attention it received.

For 200+ years damn near every amendment to the Constitution has been to mollify the slave states.

Corporations and billionaires figured out that by funding these ultra-conservative think tanks they can find loopholes in the Constitution and state and local laws. They pounced like a lion on a gazelle while everybody was bitching and moaning about a million other shiny distractions. The think tanks actually WROTE legislation and gave it to their bought politicians.

We have a hard and lengthy battle ahead but we can't afford to falter or give up.