There will be no safe places in America left to retreat to. Russia will attack all military bases and installations, power plants, refineries, major cities, ports, airports, and major hubs. Don't think them fuckers looked at the map and said, "Oh, nothing in North Dakota, let's put a few there too for good measure" After the attack there will be chaos. Expect the roads to be unusable, supplly lines cut, expect starvation of millions, expect to be shot for any resources you expose, expect rapid looting, dust clouds, plants dying and shit. It will make Hurricane Katrina look like a 5 course meal at a 3 star Michelin restaurant. The nuclear fallout will poison the air and water. You'd be better off dying on the initial bomb. You mention going to Africa? How? Who's gonna gas up the ship or plane? Infrastructure will be destroyed, also the ticket might set you back $5000 per ticket, oh US cash might go to 0 so, then there's that. Think you gonna survive in the local forest, you won't, there will be 1000s of others thinking the same. Ex-military and survivalist will be there to take your lunch money. There will be no police, so its likely they will just shoot you, take your shit, rape your women, and leave. Canada would be fucked, nuclear winds would sweep up there, and mexico would be fucked as well. Those mexicans will be licking their motherfucking lips waiting for our asses to cross the borders for all the shit we gave them, you better off swimming to Jamaica. Africa, if you got there ahead of time, would probably be the best place to go for real. European countries will come to a grinding halt.