What is an “Official Act” . . .


Transnational Member


I wrote a detailed article about how Biden is also inciting insurrection, he is doing it overseas. This is nothing compared to what Trump did on January 6. Leaving Afghanistan, giving up on fighting the war on Terror; giving military arms to the Azov Battalion. Than leaving equipment behind intentionally with the Taliban, giving them a pat on the back. He is aligning foreign policy with their domestic agenda of terrorism such as plane crashes due to 'glitches', autopilot failures, bridge collapses due to inept DEI black politician.

Instead of election results, it is now 'illegal' discrimination of DEI, they are using violence to protest its implementation.
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Transnational Member
We can thank this ruling due to the missteps by Fani Willis and New York DA case against Trump over his hush money payments. These poorly prosecuted cases were flops trying to get the attention of the Supreme Court. We can also add in Letitia James for her overzealous charging of Trump, thinking she is advantanging Biden who is inciting white nationalist along with Trump using different methods.


I call these flops similar to what NBA players do in a game to get the referee to call a foul that never happened. The plane and autopilot crashes, bridges being hit due to DEI black politicians; are all flops that the Supreme Court can use to support their rulings. The Supreme Court used these flops to rally behind their decision to give immunity because the President can be prosecuted by overzealous, black prosecutors.


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Transnational Member

This is Trump showing up first stangely enough, than Biden later with his DEI pick for EPA in tow.



Here is Biden walking around with his DEI pick for EPA. DEI/illegal discrimination against whites forced Norfolk Southern to hire an unqualified person for engineering, inspection, and cleanup by a DEI pick for EPA. DEI/illegal discrimination against whites can lead to disastrous results such as toxic chemical spills.

Any black fool promoting Biden and not pushing for his replacement needs to get his head examined. Many Democrats need to stay in the Senate, Representative, or Governor racist voting for nonsense. They don't belong as President of the United States.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Anything he did while president. If he’s elected, Congress can impeach him (again) and kick him out of office. I fully support this decision, as any state could prosecute any president for any action. For example, Obama drone strikes intentionally killed American citizens without trial, including a minor. They were citizens of Texas. They could use his own words against him, as Obama spoke out against the imposition of the death penalty for John Lee Malvo, one of the Beltway snipers. It’s good to remember that any law you use can also be used against you.


Transnational Member

The executive branch gained some limited power but the Supreme Court took away federal agencies ability to freewheel administrative laws based on their intrepreation of legislative statue. I just got done dealing with some nonsense where they wanted all this information to get government benefits.

Marilyn Mosby got ensared in one of these ambiguous laws that Congress wrote giving the executive branch all this power that got her sent to prison. She might be able to overturn her conviction on appeal. Both rulings overlap each other, if the President steps outside his legislative authority, than they could lose core official duty status to get absolute immunity.


Transnational Member

With Biden clearly trying to incite white terrorism domestically through his dog whistling overseas, this is a major victory. Biden gives all this military gear to the Taliban that was accused of terrorism with a pat on the back. Biden now gives military gear effectively to the Azov Battalion in the past, but now it is directly due to removal of restrictions that his administration championed.

“We had, in the early stages, information that radical groups had used the vacuum of the Arab Spring, and that some of the people the U.S. and their allies had trained to fight for ‘democracy’ in Libya and Syria had a jihadist agenda — already or later, [when they] joined al Nusra or the Islamic State,” a senior Arab intelligence official said in a recent interview.

The Maidan coup in Ukraine and Syrian Civil Was where weapons by the Obama administration were sent to ISIL and Al Qaeda is another example. It is no wonder we had mass shootings at black churches, I noted how this terrorist attacks looked suspicious. The black community knows how to pick winners...


What does this have to do with me?

Do you fly commercially in a plane or own a car with autopilot, or travel a bridge with container ships, than you are at risk for some terrorist attack. Based on this intel, the incitement by Trump on January 6, is minor compared to what the Democrats have been doing behind the scenes. I sensed this bizarre/delusional activity and tried to flee from the U.S.
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