What would you tell 15 yr old you? 25?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Buy that digital camera… learn the internet especially porn websites and that referral money.. that pr/ South American chick that use to strip that you gonna meet in nightschool that’s gonna be on your dick grabbed that up and make money off of her trust she gonna be worth a lot of money, half them bitches in your nightschool class are strippers take advantage of them when you meet them b4 you realize what they are a yr later.. here’s a list of girls you need to fuck in highschool cause all these broads gonna make 6 figs in the future and you need to secure them as future sugarmamas.. your female homie from the block that’s been fat all her life gonna become 1 of the baddest chicks on the block and she gonna become bisexual and be connected to a lot of bad bitches fuck her now you won’t regret it later… there’s other stuff but that’s what I’m stopping with now


鋼鉄の人 - より似たチタン
Platinum Member
To the 15 year old me....

your parents aren't that tall....you are 5'9" ..130 lbs soaking wet with a 36-inch vertical...plus you're not practicing nearly enough....so you're probably not gonna make it to the NBA...

READ A LOT MORE...but not fantasy books or comic books...read books on how to do things like how to buy real estate...how to get business loans...how to invest in the stock market..how credit works...how government works...how finance works...

instead saving money in a savings account put it in the stock market...and just leave it there until i retire....even through the market crashes...by the time we are 35..we shouldn't have to worry about money ever again...

And there's a lot more career paths than just becoming a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer...so expand your search...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Of course stuff like, warn certain family members about exactly what was gonna kill them in time for them to get that shit checked out way beforehand.

....and buy a shit load of ounces of gold eagles, etc in the late 80's, early 90's when you're working full time and living at home with very few expenses... and buy Microsoft stock as soon as that shit goes public (ditto for other stocks that we can all think of and later, bitcoin when it's cheap).
Finish your bachelors earlier(didn't until I was 36) while law school will be a feasible option.

Oh yeah, that 23 year old chick you're gonna be lusting over in that Bell Labs mailroom when you're 18/19....she wants to fuck just as much as you do, but she's hesitant to say anything because you're 5 years younger and just outta high school, so you literally just need to tell her you want it and the pussy will be yours.....


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Stay in college and become an electrical engineer. Don't watch Aliens 3. It's never your pussy. It's just your turn at bat no matter the relationship status.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
15 year old self:

Don't quit all the other sports to focus on football...you're gonna get scholarship opportunities but you may get a lot more

The magic of compound interest. Every dollar you earn just put aside 10% in an investment account that you can't touch. preferably a dividend fund with a dividend reinvesting plan.

Don't break up with your 19 year old girlfriend to get with that new lil chick in school that's been chasing you..the novelty's gonna wear off. The Senior loves you, has her own whip, money, treated you good and made you more mature.

Elders can give wise counsel but if they ain't been where you want to go....don't take their fucking advice cause they don't know shit. they may be giving you advice out of fear for you or general ignorance to the subject. seek people who are succesful doing the things you want to do and take advice from them.

To that end..pursue the majors you want not because you think it will make money but do like James Baldwin says and "go the way your blood boils". Keep pursuing what you're naturally interested in..

start researching HBCUs to apply for before it's too late
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Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
If you are able, enroll in college and pursue the greatest education you can.

When you land a job, start investing in yourself by saving as much money as you can.

Avoiding alcohol and tobacco will prolong your life. (Reserve that cash)

Pay attention to what you're eating and read the labels.

Diet is more than just what you eat; it's also about what you read, watch, and listen to. Make wise decisions because they will have an impact on your life.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
15 year old me
"Take your time young man"
"Don't you rush to get old"
"Take it in your stride"
"Live your life"

25 year old me
Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money ..Be the type of nigga that's built to last.. If someone fuck with you put your foot in their ass


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
25 year old self..

You've done pretty good at cutting off people who don't serve you and compartmentalizing people based on relationships. You're very confident and competent as a lone wolf but it aint good for the long term. No man is an island, your network is your net worth...start seeking out mentors, investment clubs and assembling a power team from NOW.

This current full-time gig you have has a pretty lucrative opportunity coming up. I know you want to "burn the boats" and go all in on your entrepreneurship journey but you don't have to right now. Keep this job and leverage it. the stable income, investment capital and experience you gain can help you with other ventures. It's much easier to get real estate/business financing as an employee vs being self employed. once that side hustle or passion has a solid foundation and systems in place then you can go ahead and make it full time if you want to.

"Start with the end in mind" always think of an exit plan for every venture. How to build, scale, create systems that can be repeated and passed on to a new owner and it's better to sell too early instead of too late.

That Howard Law grad you smashed on New years? don't put her number in that Motorola flip...you gonna drop that shit in the toilet a couple days later. write her number down and keep that shit in your desk nigga.

You're responsible and conservative but you can afford to take more risks... you'll learn faster and have the time to recover from your mistakes You also have a lot more cushion and safety nets in place than you think.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Oh didn’t even peep that it said the 25 yr old version.. ummm your bro from another is not always gonna be there in fact you got less than a yr to learn all that tech shit b4 he meets his wifey that won’t like you even though she don’t know you and seperate ya 2 from becoming the millionaires that ya should’ve been.. buy more tech and really push your online presence… you’re bout to take the next step and meet a bunch of pornstars and adult entertainers and they are gonna toss all kinda money making situations at you be prepared.. lots of bachelor parties/private parties are about to come your way so go scouting and build an even bigger squad of chicks.. write all your contacts down somewhere in a book just in case you lose your phone or it’s get stolen( trust it will get stolen and you will kick yourself in the ass with all the contacts you gonna lose).. that Dominican stripper that’s gonna look like Lisa raye that’s gonna sweat you to death don’t be a piece of shit and deny her cause she didn’t comprehend the internet, fuck her and have fun with her, fuck more dancers, live a lil instead of being extra biz, in fact here’s a long list of strippers and pornstars that you should fuck instead of being extra biz, oh yes these names I wrote are definitely going to offer you pussy take advantage you probably can make some more money off of them.. oh yeah you will invade nj in a few yrs and go to other states , go ahead and have way more sex than you could think of … there’s otherb stuff but this is all for now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't have unprotected sex. Don't get married unless you know for sure you're soulmates! Don't spend your money foolishly! Save your money. Fuck buying Jordans! Don't do drugs! Stay the fuck out of trouble! Never ever sag! That shit is gay and looks stupid! Dress nicely. Keep your hair neat. Shower often. Be neat about your facial hair.

Most advice I should have taken. This goes for both ages.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't have unprotected sex. Don't get married unless you know for sure you're soulmates! Don't spend your money foolishly! Save your money. Fuck buying Jordans! Don't do drugs! Stay the fuck out of trouble! Never ever sag! That shit is gay and looks stupid! Dress nicely. Keep your hair neat. Shower often. Be neat about your facial hair.

Most advice I should have taken. This goes for both ages.
This is real. This goes for my 15 and 25 year old self. I will add "these dudes you're growing up with and trying to impress, they will be fixtures in the neighborhood because they don't have bigger visions."

Lurk Diggler

Rising Star
If you not ready to go all in with “that” life stop riding for and with folk who are about that life

Leave KY asap! (It’s whereyou from not necessarily where you supposed to be at)

When working a side hustle at Amazon and they offer employee stock buys BUY IT (it was .94 in 2002) :hithead:
Don’t be so introverted there is a reason you get into the rooms you get into TALK!

Listen to your pops when he asks you point blank are you really ready to get married at 23?

Don’t just walk away from the house you worked 2 jobs to get just to get divorce over with.

When being scumbag/savage after your divorce WEAR a fucking condom EVERYTIME your pullout game is weak and you tend to like crazy chicks smh.
Eat better and get proper rest. Your heart and teeth will thank you.
“It is what it is” Is not good therapy you have trauma. some shit ain’t normal shit to go through. Emotional/psychological wounds can be harder to heal than bullet wounds
That is all for now.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
At 15 ... just stay focused. Lots of distractions with various parts of the family structure falling apart, but it’ll make you tougher in the long run. Not ideal, but c’est la vie. You’ve got a story to tell decades later.

At 24 / 25 ... live within your means, minimize stressors, and get into the real estate market ASAP (thankfully that panned out 5 yrs later). You will never be rich in your field, but you’ll be comfortable & happy.