When you get older, sometimes that happens.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Me too. Take that to the bathroom, ya nasty bish..
To be honest with you, I tell women who I date that I feel comfortable with. I don’t mind it in small doses, but if you have a rough day, you need to go sit outside or in the bathroom.

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
after a while, my wife got comfortable just takin a shit with the door wide open........tryin to have a convo wit me while im watching tv.
im like..................................Nigga?!?!?!
Yooooooo my girl does the same thing!!!

Crazy part she either closes the door or tells me to walk away when it's time to wipe her ass.

I laugh and yell back, don't be shy now!

:lol::lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny, but what's funnier is clowning her about the fart!!! Most of the women I have dated always trying to hide themselves shytting from me. One broad would turn on the faucet just to hide her blowing up the toilet. I turned the water off on the faucet and she tried to act like she didn't have to use the bathroom until she couldn't hold it anymore and lit that bathroom up. So then I turned into Bernie Mac:


Rising Star
:roflmao3: :roflmao3:

Older or younger, it happens.

Just don't want that happening too often though. I'll never understand men that don't mind their women shittin' and fartin' around them.
That is some repugnant shit!
I eat ass :dunno: (on some real shit I really don't care but I also don't find that shit to be relevant to fuckability outside of some medically significant anamolous gas production)