Where is that thread where dude talks about getting a gun permit in most of the states

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not sure where that thread went.

However, here is some recent changes folks are seeking to make in North Carolina.

Got this in my email two days ago.

North Carolina: House Advances Pistol Purchase Permit Repeal Legislation
House Bill 398 Now Goes to the N.C. Senate for Consideration

The North Carolina House of Representatives approved House Bill 398 yesterday, which would repeal the antiquated Pistol Purchase Permit system. As you may know, North Carolina law currently requires law-abiding residents to obtain a Pistol Purchase Permit (unless you have a concealed carry permit) from your local sheriff prior to lawfully purchasing a handgun from your local firearm retailer. Repealing House Bill 398 will allow for a streamlined process for law-abiding North Carolinians to be able to legally acquire a handgun.

The pandemic really brought this issue to light last year as some sheriffs shut down the pistol permitting process, denying North Carolinians their right to purchase a handgun for self-defense. Some counties remain backlogged with applications that were submitted in November still pending.

The pistol permit system is no longer necessary due to the advances in the background check systems. The North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association supports repealing the Pistol Purchase Permit requirement.

NSSF® thanks its members for heeding our call and reaching out to your elected officials. However, we still have more work to do. We need you to share this message with your customers and get them engaged in the fight.

Please begin reaching out to your state senator and urge him or her to support House Bill 398. Find out who represents you in the North Carolina House by clicking here (be sure to select “NC Senate” below the address line).

National Shooting Sports Foundation
11 Mile Hill Road
Newtown, CT 06470