The GOAT anime, imo nice or nah?
P peter.parker1 Rising Star BGOL Investor Saturday at 8:56 PM #2 Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust .... etc Kawajiri is that dude !
Mr.Mojo Rising Star Registered Saturday at 11:44 PM #3 ninja scroll is one of the Best ninja anime period..but yall remember Dagger of kamui? Made by the same studio.
ninja scroll is one of the Best ninja anime period..but yall remember Dagger of kamui? Made by the same studio.
PeerlessMack Been here longer than you think! Platinum Member Saturday at 11:51 PM #5 One of my all time favorites.
SamSneed Disciple of Zod BGOL Investor Yesterday at 12:29 AM #7 First time I saw it was at mct after boot camp, it was a trip Always liked it
furlough I want my daddy's records! Platinum Member Yesterday at 12:44 AM #8 SamSneed said: First time I saw it was at mct after boot camp, it was a trip Always liked it Click to expand... damn, was just thinking about mct/soi recently
SamSneed said: First time I saw it was at mct after boot camp, it was a trip Always liked it Click to expand... damn, was just thinking about mct/soi recently
SamSneed Disciple of Zod BGOL Investor Yesterday at 3:53 PM #9 furlough said: damn, was just thinking about mct/soi recently Click to expand... Shit was fun, we didn’t have cellphone, I remember the phone center lol Long ass line, if it was packed they’d limit your call Only thing I really hated was the rain trees, that hot water would pull the funk out , those cac smelled bad I use to wait for the crowd to chill for showers That was my only issue with military, open showers at boot camp and mct soi Camp Pendleton was nice compared to camp Lejeune, stupid ass mosquitoes and biting flies.
furlough said: damn, was just thinking about mct/soi recently Click to expand... Shit was fun, we didn’t have cellphone, I remember the phone center lol Long ass line, if it was packed they’d limit your call Only thing I really hated was the rain trees, that hot water would pull the funk out , those cac smelled bad I use to wait for the crowd to chill for showers That was my only issue with military, open showers at boot camp and mct soi Camp Pendleton was nice compared to camp Lejeune, stupid ass mosquitoes and biting flies.
Goingmark40 Rising Star BGOL Investor Yesterday at 4:09 PM #10 yep.....classic anime. i got it on bluray as part of my collection