Why get married if you are a man that makes a lot of money????

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
That HAIR-HAT Hooligan celebrating the destruction of a black family because the wife leaves with millions in assets.

No concern about the children and how this affects them.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It looks good on paper and business... me and my wife,my wife and my family,my family,rather than my baby father,my kids mother,my ex and single mother.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This doesn't involve marriage and I have no idea how much the parties involved made or make, but it does involve "Child Support."

One of my female coworkers (we will call her Alice) approached me and another male coworker because she wanted our opinion on a situation. Her female friend (we will call her Carol) wanted her to testify in Family Court on her behalf.


Carol wanted Alice to say that she was aware that Carol was dating this "particular guy" years ago around the time she got pregnant with her son.

I'm sketchy on the details because this was told to me years ago, but Carol was "dating"(sleeping with) 2 different guys at the same time and got pregnant.

She told the guy who was in the better financial position that he was the father of the child (He believed her). I am not sure if they had a "Court ordered" agreement or if they just worked things out between them?

Somewhere along the lines the "Child Support" must have ran out (maybe he found out that it was not his child).

So now Carol wants Alice to testify on her behalf to get the actual "Biological Father" on the hook for Child Support, with the terms and agreement to be set forth by Family Court.


Transnational Member

You don't have to follow the crowd with everything. I know Kirk Russell a white actor had done the same thing. Wikipedia calls them 'partners'.

I know many of you before gay marriage was legalized had 'partners'

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
This doesn't involve marriage and I have no idea how much the parties involved made or make, but it does involve "Child Support."

One of my female coworkers (we will call her Alice) approached me and another male coworker because she wanted our opinion on a situation. Her female friend (we will call her Carol) wanted her to testify in Family Court on her behalf.


Carol wanted Alice to say that she was aware that Carol was dating this "particular guy" years ago around the time she got pregnant with her son.

I'm sketchy on the details because this was told to me years ago, but Carol was "dating"(sleeping with) 2 different guys at the same time and got pregnant.

She told the guy who was in the better financial position that he was the father of the child (He believed her). I am not sure if they had a "Court ordered" agreement or if they just worked things out between them?

Somewhere along the lines the "Child Support" must have ran out (maybe he found out that it was not his child).

So now Carol wants Alice to testify on her behalf to get the actual "Biological Father" on the hook for Child Support, with the terms and agreement to be set forth by Family Court.
Wow. Dusty ass bitch. :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He made a lot of money so what he had to pay was nothing to him. When you are rich, child support and alimony has very little impact on your life if at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He made a lot of money so what he had to pay was nothing to him. When you are rich, child support and alimony has very little impact on your life if at all.
This makes zero sense. Just because you MADE alot of money doesn't mean you WILL continue to make alot of money.

If this has very little impact on his life I doubt he would be fighting the judgement.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This makes zero sense. Just because you MADE alot of money doesn't mean you WILL continue to make alot of money.

If this has very little impact on his life I doubt he would be fighting the judgement.
If you are worth 60 million and have to pay 20 million. You are not hurting.

If you make 60k and ordered to pay 20k. That shit hurts.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This doesn't involve marriage and I have no idea how much the parties involved made or make, but it does involve "Child Support."

One of my female coworkers (we will call her Alice) approached me and another male coworker because she wanted our opinion on a situation. Her female friend (we will call her Carol) wanted her to testify in Family Court on her behalf.


Carol wanted Alice to say that she was aware that Carol was dating this "particular guy" years ago around the time she got pregnant with her son.

I'm sketchy on the details because this was told to me years ago, but Carol was "dating"(sleeping with) 2 different guys at the same time and got pregnant.

She told the guy who was in the better financial position that he was the father of the child (He believed her). I am not sure if they had a "Court ordered" agreement or if they just worked things out between them?

Somewhere along the lines the "Child Support" must have ran out (maybe he found out that it was not his child).

So now Carol wants Alice to testify on her behalf to get the actual "Biological Father" on the hook for Child Support, with the terms and agreement to be set forth by Family Court.
Courts don’t have time for no testifying. What she going to say on the stand. That man over there had unprotected sex in June 2023.

Courts just going to make them do a DNA test. Then wait for the results!

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just my 2¢

I've been married and divorced in my 30's, at 51 years old today, with no children.

I'm not trying to have any children ever. For me, no reason to get married again.

I'll be damn if I get married to a chick at this age with the wealth I'm building and she wants to leave me in 5 to 10 years and take half when I'm in my late 50's or early 60's. My house been paid off since 2016, with today's housing prices can't see a chick taking half the value of my home.

Average man don't have time to start over and live a good quality of life rebuilding in your 60's from scratch.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I like being married
I love my wife
And I like reading bedtime stories to my kid and seeing her grow up everyday

I also made more money once I got married.
Someone I trust to take care of shit while I am out there improving my skills and advancing my career.

That being said, I do think what life would be like if I had staid single
But I doubt I would have the drive to make as much as I do now if I did not have a mouth to feed.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Gotta have a pre-nup, and even those contracts get broken, or amended with a few tears and a fake assault story.

But shit it would have saved him some of that. Damn he had a terrible lawyer.


Transnational Member

You don't have to follow the crowd with everything. I know Kirk Russell a white actor had done the same thing. Wikipedia calls them 'partners'.

I know many of you before gay marriage was legalized had 'partners'
I would like for people like this to talk about their 'partnership'' what it is like for retirement or healthcare. Why did they choose this arrangement?

Everything now is promoting marriage because of religious beliefs similar to buying a house and chaining yourself to a 30 year mortgage. The average cost is $30,000 the black community should be investing that money unless they start coming out with reparations. Quit trying to imitate white people.

This might be ideal solution for the black community.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I like being married
I love my wife
And I like reading bedtime stories to my kid and seeing her grow up everyday

I also made more money once I got married.
Someone I trust to take care of shit while I am out there improving my skills and advancing my career.

That being said, I do think what life would be like if I had staid single
But I doubt I would have the drive to make as much as I do now if I did not have a mouth to feed.
Imagine getting married so you can read bedtime stories to a child.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dayum! Dude got screwed over. I thought child support was for people who were poor or middle class. Teyana has her own money.


Transnational Member
This is why married couples be trying to kill each other, if they were partners you can walk away.


If you need a formal agreement to stay with somebody maybe you should not be together. It is the daily mounting of your women, buying a house together and children that bind you together.

Many black women are religious fundamentalist like the Taliban and can't think outside the box at the financial detriment of the black community. Many of them turn into witches with black cats and no kids.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This doesn't involve marriage and I have no idea how much the parties involved made or make, but it does involve "Child Support."

One of my female coworkers (we will call her Alice) approached me and another male coworker because she wanted our opinion on a situation. Her female friend (we will call her Carol) wanted her to testify in Family Court on her behalf.


Carol wanted Alice to say that she was aware that Carol was dating this "particular guy" years ago around the time she got pregnant with her son.

I'm sketchy on the details because this was told to me years ago, but Carol was "dating"(sleeping with) 2 different guys at the same time and got pregnant.

She told the guy who was in the better financial position that he was the father of the child (He believed her). I am not sure if they had a "Court ordered" agreement or if they just worked things out between them?

Somewhere along the lines the "Child Support" must have ran out (maybe he found out that it was not his child).

So now Carol wants Alice to testify on her behalf to get the actual "Biological Father" on the hook for Child Support, with the terms and agreement to be set forth by Family Court.
Dirty ass cunt :smh:

Stay strapped (up) my friends!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dayum! Dude got screwed over. I thought child support was for people who were poor or middle class. Teyana has her own money.
That entire system is ridiculous!!

A lot of this is on the attorneys as well. The higher the settlement is, the more time it takes to negotiate and put in motions. They just keep billing hours and getting paid!!!!

It's a ruthless system not set up to help men out at all!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't understand why this is public information. Family and civil court proceedings should not be public information. What good does this do for society to know what happened in their agreement? What good does this do for their families and friends? Their children? Now the lonely bitch brigade and the loser niggas on the net are going to use them as an example for what's wrong with everything because their private business is public fodder.