Wild video shows NYC bodega worker allegedly stabbing man to death. Update 7/11 New footage. Girlfriend going to jail


Platinum Member

Surveillance video captures the moment a Manhattan bodega worker allegedly stabbed a customer to death after the enraged man came around the counter and attacked him over a bag of chips.

The worker is first seen on the shocking video tending to customers from behind the counter at the Hamilton Heights Grocery store on Broadway — when he is suddenly confronted by a younger man.

The customer appears to yell at the store clerk, before shoving him into a shelf, the clip shows.

After several moments, the worker reaches to the right, toward shelves displaying candy.

He pulls out a large knife and plunges it into the younger man’s neck and chest — which quickly becomes covered in blood, the footage shows.


The pair fall away from the camera view as blood begins to splatter on the man’s T-shirt — with the clerk then coming back into focus still holding the bloody knife.

Surveillance video caught the moment when Hamilton Heights bodega worker Jose Alba allegedly stabbed a man in a dispute over a bag of chips.
The customer, identified as 37-year-old Austin Simon, was taken to Harlem Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The deadly beef reportedly started around 11 p.m. Friday when a woman entered the store with a child at Broadway and 139th Street to buy a back of chips, according to police.

But police said the unidentified woman didn’t have enough cash for the snack and instead stormed out of the store — and summoned Simon.


Video shows Austin Simon allegedly assaulting Jose Alba behind the counter.

That’s when Simon charged into the store, went behind the counter and confronted the store clerk, identified as Jose Alba, 51, leading to the deadly stabbing.

Police responding to reports of an assault at the bodega arrested Alba and charged him with murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

Alba was being held on Rikers Island on $250,000 bail Tuesday and is due back in Manhattan court on Thursday.


Jose Alba allegedly stabbed Austin Simon in the neck and chest. Simon later died from his injuries.

The incident was one of two fatal stabbings in the five boroughs overnight Friday.

Shortly after 3 a.m. Saturday a 32-year-old man was stabbed and mortally wounded during a dispute at 98th Street and Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, police said.

The victim was taken to Elmhurst Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

His female companion suffered cuts to her left arm during the scuffle and was listed in stable condition at the hospital — as cops busted the alleged killer.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So this unidentified chick put a battery in his back and now he's dead :smh:

She needs to be identified immediately.

Even if the Bodega worker was talking reckless to her she still should have just said fuck it and let it be as opposed to getting the deceased involved.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
If I knew I could vanish and be ok, I’d love to bury a steak knife in the heart of a person like TED CRUZ!!!!!!!! LOOK ME IN MY EYE TED!!!!!!! IM TAKING WHATS LEFT OF YOUR PATHETIC SOUL!!!!!!!

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How is that not self-defense? From what I can see, they out here charging the wrong people. :smh:
It could very well be, but there has to be an investigation to see if that was indeed the case. Were there any eye witnesses? What does the video camera show? What is Mr. Alba's recollection of the events that occurred that evening? Did he make any exculpatory statements after given his Miranda warnings?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Young man came behind the counter, attacks old man. (pushed him down)
Old man tried to flee.
Young man stops him from doing that.
Old man gets knife, stabs young dude, again tries to flee. Young man is holding him.
Old man does what he has to do.

What am I missing?

I am not saying that you are wrong, but you have to go through the process. Mr. Alba will be arrested, and then charged by the police department, and then the charges may be amended by the District Attorney's Office. After that, Mr. Alba will be arraigned and then as in this case the judge set bail ($250,000) and Mr. Alba next court appearance will be before the Grand Jury (they will decide if there is enough evidence to indict him). If so, the case will be sent to a trial part. During this process, his defense attorney will file motions claiming Mr. Alba was only defending himself (Now, it could get a bit sticky because the question may arise was Mr. Alba's use of the weapon necessary)?
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I am not saying that you are wrong, but you have to go through the process. Mr. Alba will be arrested, and then charged by the police department, and then the charges may be amended by the District Attorney's Office. After that, Mr. Alba will be arraigned and then as in this case the judge set bail ($250,000) and Mr. Alba next court appearance will be before the Grand Jury (the will decide if there is enough evidence to indict him). If so, the case will be sent to a trial part. During this process, his defense attorney will file motions claiming Mr. Alba was only defending himself (Now, it could get a bit sticky because the question may arise was Mr. Alba's use of the weapon necessary)?
:smh: use of deadly force =
would a reasonable person, during the events Mr Alba experienced that day, be in fear for their life?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:smh: use of deadly force =
would a reasonable person, during the events Mr Alba experienced that day, be in fear for their life?
Funny you should bring up "deadly force" I was just reading this:

New York State Law: Self-Defense

Self-defense is described in Article 35 of New York’s Penal Law Code. It is also known as “justification,” and describes when defendants are reasonably “justified” in using physical or deadly force to defend themselves.

NY Penal Law 35.15 states:

…a person may use physical force upon another individual when, and to the extent that, he/she reasonably believes it to be necessary to defend himself/herself [or someone else] from what he/she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of [unlawful] physical force by such individual.

Justification defines non-lethal “physical force” and “deadly force.” It also describes where it can be reasonably asserted to protect:

  • themselves or others,
  • homes or premises,
  • and to prevent criminal mischief.

Justification is proportional, however, and so much depends on reasonable belief. If an unarmed aggressor punched or kicked you, a jury might sympathize if you punched or kicked back; but if you retaliated with a gun, the jury may believe you reacted disproportionately and unreasonably.

The same can generally be said for retaliating against a verbal threat with physical force. Someone saying they will burn your house down does not constitute an imminent threat and will not make you justified (nor reasonable) in using physical force to harm them.

Assessing imminent danger and retaliation is challenging (and that’s why we have criminal trials) because there are so many factors to consider. Article 35 has been amended and updated several times over the years to address all the variables and will likely continue.

The jury could say that Mr. Alba's reaction was disproportionate to the threat and deem it unreasonable, which would cause him to be convicted, by the way he is charged with:
PL. 125.25 Murder in the second degree (an A felony)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:smh: use of deadly force =
would a reasonable person, during the events Mr Alba experienced that day, be in fear for their life?

On a personal note, you just mentioned something that has me concerned. Although, the United States Supreme Court may have made it easier for citizens to obtain firearms. Who is to say that a "Karen," who has obtained a gun license gets into a "verbal" confrontation with a black man, and then decides to shoot him. Her defense would be, she was in fear of her life.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
On a personal note, you just mentioned something that has me concerned. Although, the United States Supreme Court may have made it easier for citizens to obtain firearms. Who is to say that a "Karen," who has obtained a gun license gets into a "verbal" confrontation with a black man, and then decides to shoot him. Her defense would be, she was in fear of her life.

They have the cops to do that for them. They just cry and put on a performance.

But I take your point. And it's going to start happening. Like a fucking tidal wave because once it begins the state media channel aka fux news will encourage it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
On a personal note, you just mentioned something that has me concerned. Although, the United States Supreme Court may have made it easier for citizens to obtain firearms. Who is to say that a "Karen," who has obtained a gun license gets into a "verbal" confrontation with a black man, and then decides to shoot him. Her defense would be, she was in fear of her life.

This is my biggest issue with Stand your Ground and the whole George Zimmerman thing, Like what if trayvon had a gun and decided to Shoot Zimmerman, would trayvon have been able to say he was standing his ground because he feared for his life because Zimmerman was following him? Still burns me up that Trayvon died over some BS :smh:

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is my biggest issue with Stand your Ground and the whole George Zimmerman thing, Like what if trayvon had a gun and decided to Shoot Zimmerman, would trayvon have been able to say he was standing his ground because he feared for his life because Zimmerman was following him? Still burns me up that Trayvon died over some BS :smh:

I am not fully familiar with the "Stand your Ground" law in Florida, but from what I do know, I would believe that Trayvon Martin could have used it to justify shooting George Zimmerman because this strange man was following him and he was in fear of his life.
However, here is the problem, I believe that jurors are bias and even if they are trying their best to render a fair verdict, you have to be mindful of "bias judges also. I haven't been on "jury duty" in about 5 years, but I noticed there were very few blacks in the jury pool (and that is not to say that black people are not going to be looking at you through "white supremacist eyes" either). I guess, what I am trying to say is that when you change the race of the defendant and the victim are they seen differently in court? This is probably a rhetorical question because we see the unfairness in the system (when there is lack of or no evidence at all).
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Funny you should bring up "deadly force" I was just reading this:

New York State Law: Self-Defense

Self-defense is described in Article 35 of New York’s Penal Law Code. It is also known as “justification,” and describes when defendants are reasonably “justified” in using physical or deadly force to defend themselves.

NY Penal Law 35.15 states:

…a person may use physical force upon another individual when, and to the extent that, he/she reasonably believes it to be necessary to defend himself/herself [or someone else] from what he/she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of [unlawful] physical force by such individual.

Justification defines non-lethal “physical force” and “deadly force.” It also describes where it can be reasonably asserted to protect:

  • themselves or others,
  • homes or premises,
  • and to prevent criminal mischief.

Justification is proportional, however, and so much depends on reasonable belief. If an unarmed aggressor punched or kicked you, a jury might sympathize if you punched or kicked back; but if you retaliated with a gun, the jury may believe you reacted disproportionately and unreasonably.

The same can generally be said for retaliating against a verbal threat with physical force. Someone saying they will burn your house down does not constitute an imminent threat and will not make you justified (nor reasonable) in using physical force to harm them.

Assessing imminent danger and retaliation is challenging (and that’s why we have criminal trials) because there are so many factors to consider. Article 35 has been amended and updated several times over the years to address all the variables and will likely continue.

The jury could say that Mr. Alba's reaction was disproportionate to the threat and deem it unreasonable, which would cause him to be convicted, by the way he is charged with:
PL. 125.25 Murder in the second degree (an A felony)
dudes gonna want to try to argue but this is how it is in nyc.. I know several people who had to serve prison sentences for literally deadly self defense cases.. what I can say is none of the people I know had to do 20 yrs..some did several yrs to double digits.. I literally know people that got bodies under their belt for self defense.. hell a female cousin of mine got off for bodying a nig that tried to rob her..she literally stab the nig a few times but in her situation dude was trying to rob her with a weapon so she got off… a few people I know got downgraded to manslaughter charges cause they felt it was self defense but obsessive on the violence they unleashed..nyc is not one of them stand your ground states.. I know a broad I use to get money with that had to poke a chick a few times who was trying to harm her..they gave her like 18 months plus several yrs probation


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Young man came behind the counter, attacks old man. (pushed him down)
Old man tried to flee.
Young man stops him from doing that.
Old man gets knife, stabs young dude, again tries to flee. Young man is holding him.
Old man does what he has to do.

What am I missing?
This is nyc..not a stand your ground state that’s what you missing…some people will get yrs for an illegal gun possession or cause your knife is to long by nyc self defense standards…also the fact he had 3 stab strikes in 2 diff places.. if he stabbed him once or twice in the same area they might be nice but the fact it was in chest and neck they might look at it as overkill.. nyc law literally looks at it that way.. one of my boys had to do 7 cause in his self defense he smashed somebody head multiple times and killed the attempted robber.. the fact he hit him multiple times is why he got 7 they literally said if it was once or twice he probably would’ve got off but it was multiple times
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An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member


The New York Post- Surveillance video captures the moment a Manhattan bodega worker allegedly stabbed a customer to death after the enraged man came around the counter and attacked him over a bag of chips.

The worker is first seen on the shocking video tending to customers from behind the counter at the Hamilton Heights Grocery store on Broadway — when he is suddenly confronted by a younger man.

The customer appears to yell at the store clerk, before shoving him into a shelf, the clip shows.

After several moments, the worker reaches to the right, toward shelves displaying candy.

He pulls out a large knife and plunges it into the younger man’s neck and chest — which quickly becomes covered in blood, the footage shows.

The pair fall away from the camera view as blood begins to splatter on the man’s T-shirt — with the clerk then coming back into focus still holding the bloody knife.

The customer, identified as 37-year-old Austin Simon, was taken to Harlem Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The deadly beef reportedly started around 11 p.m. Friday when a woman entered the store with a child at Broadway and 139th Street to buy a back of chips, according to police.

But police said the unidentified woman didn’t have enough cash for the snack and instead stormed out of the store — and summoned Simon.

That’s when Simon charged into the store, went behind the counter and confronted the store clerk, identified as Jose Alba, 51, leading to the deadly stabbing.

Police responding to reports of an assault at the bodega arrested Alba and charged him with murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

Alba was being held on Rikers Island on $250,000 bail Tuesday and is due back in Manhattan court on Thursday.

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
These hyenas love calling on black men to sacrifice themselves on their behalf.

We've seen this countless times where some bat shit crazy woman will call on her emotionally unbalanced man to be her vicious attack dog.

Now she'll be out here in these streets bragging while on her knees sucking the next nigga dick.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ain’t this the guy they actually booked for murder? Man if this muthafucka ain’t out of jail just based on this video alone, New York prosecutors ain’t shit,

The police hasn't said what, but exactly about but it's over more than chips. That's probably is why.