As I watch how once solid red states in the south are now seeing a move away from regressive policies kinds of show me that black folk are returning south. States like Texas, Florida, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina are seeing a steady influx of tech and corporate savvy people along all ethnic group lines. Some of it is because the people from those states are demanding better vs the repressive evangelical way things have been done. That has been greatly helped by the influx of all people leaving the expensive urban cities of the northeast(NYC), west coast(LA), and the great lakes(CHI). Sticking to the topic at hand black people who made their living in the northeast, westcoast, or great lakes are leaving the high taxes and poor service. Personally it is hypocritical for cities like NYC, LA, San Fran, and CHI for example to profess to be a world class cities but at the same time resource starving once great black enclaves throughout those regions that added culture and flavor to those regions. Well since we are seeing the purging of black residents from NYC, CHI, LA, Bay area, Philly, DC, Baltimore, Detroit, Ohio, etc. guess where we headed, that's right the south.
Now the next group of southern states are Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma(Tulsa/OKC mainly), Arkansas(Little Rock/Pine Bluff mainly), and Kentucky (Louisville/Cincy burbs area mainly) Things are going slower in those particular southern states. However these particular states are the ones where black people can pull a serious paradigm move
. The other states I mentioned in the first paragraph has seen a rise in black political power and that is partially due to black people moving to those states but those states are also attracting other people as well and they are doing better because of it. Our brothers and sisters from these states in this paragraph who been fighting the good fight against backwards cacary will embrace us with open arms as we continue to move back and help them and ourselves. I mean Mississippi and South Carolina alone both have a large black populations. I see a change a comin' and the new south will be the cultural hub of future amerikkka. These cacs don't want us in their "world class urban" cities. I say fuck em, let those cities become boring and bland since they don't appreciate the culture and character black people have added. Let them have their cac bread expenisive shit without us. Right now for black people in America it's time to create new Chocolate cities. I elect Charleston, Jackson, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, B Ham, Montgomery Mobile, Savannah, OKC, Tulsa, Little Rock etc. Let's make those cities great with our talent. I'm talking industry sky scraper building, and farming bruh..............But that would is wishful thinking end rant. Seriously though what does the board think about blacks and the new black south? Will we learn our lessons from what happened to us in the northeast, west coast, and great lakes regions and move differently? Or will we just go with the flow and watch us leave the south again in about 60 years?
Now the next group of southern states are Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma(Tulsa/OKC mainly), Arkansas(Little Rock/Pine Bluff mainly), and Kentucky (Louisville/Cincy burbs area mainly) Things are going slower in those particular southern states. However these particular states are the ones where black people can pull a serious paradigm move

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