Women drive tractor trailers too!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember I went out on the road with my uncle one weekend (in the 90's). He talked about how many good looking women actually drive trucks, and like to fuck. I'm expecting "Large Marge" from Pee-Wee Herman's Big Adventure:

...but most of em looked quite normal.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I remember I went out on the road with my uncle one weekend (in the 90's). He talked about how many good looking women actually drive trucks, and like to fuck. I'm expecting "Large Marge" from Pee-Wee Herman's Big Adventure:

...but most of em looked quite normal.

Always hated that part as a kid...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They do,they've had work done,have youtube accounts wear tight clothing to attract attention to their videos and be filming white driving...an accident waiting to happen.

It's crowded now and before long they'll be talking about each other every other video cause someone has to be #1.Good luck to em.


BGOL Legend
Lil different

I've never seen a tractor with a seat where the back only comes to the middle of her back... looks mad uncomfortable.

And she drives without a seat belt, putting truck into gear before the truck door is even closed. This bish is dangerous.


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
Was a little short cutie that drove the FedEx Semi to my old job for deliveries. Ass use to be looking big as hell in those work pants.


BGOL Investor
I've never seen a tractor with a seat where the back only comes to the middle of her back... looks mad uncomfortable.

And she drives without a seat belt, putting truck into gear before the truck door is even closed. This bish is dangerous.
WTF are you talking about?