World Waring: Syria, Somalia, Yemen have bombs raining just like Ukraine. Sudan conflicts seeing wide spread raping of kids


Platinum Member



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I was thinking about this in a work meeting today.

Indian supervisor asked us if we kept up with the news and what's going on in the world.

I said yeah, France is pulling out of Mali finally after 10 years.


When the assassination of the Haitian President occurred, I realized I dont know nearly as much as I think I know. I should have seen THAT coming..:smh:

So much information to consume, when am I going to find time to find out what Aaron Rodgers posted on instagram...:hmm: :dunno:


Rising Star
When the assassination of the Haitian President occurred, I realized I dont know nearly as much as I think I know. I should have seen THAT coming..:smh:

So much information to consume, when am I going to find time to find out what Aaron Rodgers posted on instagram...:hmm: :dunno:
Been saying for years that all the trivial shyt we pay attention to is a distraction...

ie Joe Rogan for 2 months


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nigs have no idea about the hell yemen people go through.. that’s why a lot of Yemen bodega workers/owners be putting in mad time and energy into them stores in order to send back money to their families and shit..or try to find a way to bring their families to nyc on work visas, etc.. I remember some of them telling me back in like 2015 how their schools, places of bizz, etc literally been closed for 2 yrs and it’s nothing but starvation and bombs on their towns.. meanwhile nigs in america complaining about their mobile speeds these Yemen nigs hearing and seeing vids of their whole neighborhood getting bombed.. that’s 1 of the reasons when this Covid shit popped off and nigs complaining and bitching about 2 weeks shit being locked down I’m like only if ya knew all the chaos that goes on in the world and how they would look at Americans as pussies for sounding all weak and mentally destroyed by a lil pandemic


Platinum Member
Nigs have no idea about the hell yemen people go through.. that’s why a lot of Yemen bodega workers/owners be putting in mad time and energy into them stores in order to send back money to their families and shit..or try to find a way to bring their families to nyc on work visas, etc.. I remember some of them telling me back in like 2015 how their schools, places of bizz, etc literally been closed for 2 yrs and it’s nothing but starvation and bombs on their towns.. meanwhile nigs in america complaining about their mobile speeds these Yemen nigs hearing and seeing vids of their whole neighborhood getting bombed.. that’s 1 of the reasons when this Covid shit popped off and nigs complaining and bitching about 2 weeks shit being locked down I’m like only if ya knew all the chaos that goes on in the world and how they would look at Americans as pussies for sounding all weak and mentally destroyed by a lil pandemic

Made I just had a conversation with a family, that I was doing some repair work for.
We was talking about the situation with Ukraine and Russia along with the truckers.
I meant how miserable folks was after Hurricane Ida, complaining their phone service is weak or no Wi-Fi. The wife was like, “After two days, I was over that shit, no AC had…oh no”

I laughed then said, “Some of our people, down the bayou didn’t have a house to sit and complain about not having no AC. Some of our people down the bayou, didn’t have a car to get in. Now, that’s here I won’t even talk about overseas”

she was like yea I know but fuck that no AC shit

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
I thought Joe Biden loved black people. If you don't vote for sleepy Joe you're not black and he won't bomb you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I got to research this shit... brah

Wait .... WHAAAA.... they really mindfuckin us.. So while everybody is talkin about russia,

they bombing Somalia... thats some fucked up shit...

I just KNOW all that covid, forced vaccine shit backfired in their fuckin face.

so rather then say they fucked up... and deal with all the people they FORCED to get

an experimental vax.....

As the people start to whisper

and the anti mandate convoys slowly make their way to the capital, govt getting nervous as fuck

this criminal govt is like, hey guys... look over there.. see those bombs dropping..

Isnt that soo much more interesting. like fireworks right???

Next thing you know the mindfuckery works and NOBODY talking about covid anymore

and everybody is talking about the war....they hope this goes on long enough so everybody can

forget, they made billions of people inject themselves with an experimental drug that nobody knows

the mid to long term effects of...

and they are hoping these wars provide the distraction they need..

This is a perfect example of Mind Control

and how powerful a tool the media is, in implementing this control. aka


War is also how they steal are tax dollars.. as if WE the PEOPLE want are money

wasted on wars, while our quality of life and infrastructure lowers, but

the one percent and their profits get higher.

that mindfuckery STOPS NOW!!

WAR IS A HUSTLE that works for the RICH and super rich ONLY!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait .... WHAAAA.... they really mindfuckin us.. So while everybody is talkin about russia,

they bombing Somalia... thats some fucked up shit...

I just KNOW all that covid, forced vaccine shit backfired in their fuckin face.

so rather then say they fucked up... and deal with all the people they FORCED to get

an experimental vax.....

As the people start to whisper

and the anti mandate convoys slowly make their way to the capital, govt getting nervous as fuck

this criminal govt is like, hey guys... look over there.. see those bombs dropping..

Isnt that soo much more interesting. like fireworks right???

Next thing you know the mindfuckery works and NOBODY talking about covid anymore

and everybody is talking about the war....they hope this goes on long enough so everybody can

forget, they made billions of people inject themselves with an experimental drug that nobody knows

the mid to long term effects of...

and they are hoping these wars provide the distraction they need..

This is a perfect example of Mind Control

and how powerful a tool the media is, in implementing this control. aka


War is also how they steal are tax dollars.. as if WE the PEOPLE want are money

wasted on wars, while our quality of life and infrastructure lowers, but

the one percent and their profits get higher.

that mindfuckery STOPS NOW!!

WAR IS A HUSTLE that works for the RICH and super rich ONLY!!!!

Keep preaching....third eye blanking... brah


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I got to research this shit... brah

Don't believe anything that bitch said. The air strike was against rebels trying to over throw the Somalia government.

The United States conducted a drone strike against Al Shabab militants in Somalia this week, the first such military action against the Qaeda affiliate in East Africa since August, the military’s Africa Command said on Thursday.

The command said it was still trying to determine how many Shabab insurgents had been killed in the strike, but it said no civilians were believed to have been harmed.

There were no U.S. forces accompanying Somali forces during this operation, an Africa Command spokesman said. Instead, U.S. forces were advising and assisting the Somali forces’ mission from a remote location, but the official did not say where that was.

Mr. Biden and his advisers are nearing a decision on a Pentagon-backed proposal to restore some of those troops in Somalia as a way to improve training and coordination with Somalia security forces. Right now, U.S. trainers visit the country periodically.
American commanders have said that the lack of a permanent presence of trainers coupled with political instability in Somalia has allowed the Shabab to surge.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't believe anything that bitch said. The air strike was against rebels trying to over throw the Somalia government.

The United States conducted a drone strike against Al Shabab militants in Somalia this week, the first such military action against the Qaeda affiliate in East Africa since August, the military’s Africa Command said on Thursday.

The command said it was still trying to determine how many Shabab insurgents had been killed in the strike, but it said no civilians were believed to have been harmed.

There were no U.S. forces accompanying Somali forces during this operation, an Africa Command spokesman said. Instead, U.S. forces were advising and assisting the Somali forces’ mission from a remote location, but the official did not say where that was.

Mr. Biden and his advisers are nearing a decision on a Pentagon-backed proposal to restore some of those troops in Somalia as a way to improve training and coordination with Somalia security forces. Right now, U.S. trainers visit the country periodically.
American commanders have said that the lack of a permanent presence of trainers coupled with political instability in Somalia has allowed the Shabab to surge.

During war time you cant trust any news you just have to read both sides and come to

your own conclusions...

propaganda is real strong right now....!!